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Introductory Message

Welcome to Science Grade 4!

This Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools District of San Lorenzo North and DepEd Schools Division of
Guimaras through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

This Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist
the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes
for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

This Science 4 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-
learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner.
This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

This Science 4 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue

learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with
meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator
on the agreed schedule.
Name of Learner: _____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________________Date: ______________


Properties of Light

I. Learning Competency with Code

Investigate characteristics and properties of light and sound (S4FE-IIIh-5)

II. Background Information for Learners

Properties and Characteristics of Light
In the previous learning activity, you have learned that light, heat, and
sound are forms of energy that travel through various media. You have
also learned that light travels in a straight path and heat can be
transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation. The speed of
sound varies as it travels through different media.

In this learning activity, you will discover how light behaves differently
as it moves from different media like air and water. You will also discover
what happens to light and sound as they hit a surface. Furthermore, you
will be amazed how rainbows are formed and why they are colorful.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational

Department of Education. (2015). K -12 Basic Education Curriculum,
Science 4 Learners Material (pp. 211-212, 216-218, 222-223). Pasig City,

IV. Activity Proper

There are three properties of light. These are reflection, refraction, and
dispersion. Do the succeeding activities and discover more about these
Warning: Do not do this activity alone. Ask the help of
your parents or any responsible adult at home.

Activity 1. Can you complete me?

Directions: Gather the following materials.
• small mirror
• old colored magazines
• bond paper
• crayons
• marker
• scissors
• book
1. Cut out magazine pictures
that have symmetry (two
halves that perfectly mirror
each other) like stars, faces,
flowers, butterflies. Cut the
pictures into halves.
2. Put the mirror next to the half
and see its reflection in order
to complete the picture. (Be
careful in handling the
3. Now draw shapes and
designs, cut the shape/design
into halves and repeat
procedure no. 2.
4. Let one of your family
members do it and exchange
your drawing. Have fun in Image taken from Science Learner’s Material 4
completing each half of the Figure 1. Reflected Image
drawing using the mirrors.
5. Next, hold up a printed copy
of a text from a book or
magazine in front of the
mirror. Observe the image

Directions: Based on the result of your activity, answer the following

using your Science notebook.

1. What did you observe when you placed the halves of the cut-outs
beside the mirror?

2. Can you do this with other drawings or cut-outs that are not
symmetrical? Explain your answer.

3. When you cut the drawings crosswise instead of lengthwise and place
beside the mirror, can you get a full view of the picture? Why?

4. What is different about the printed text in the mirror? Can you read it?
Just as heat and sound travel, so does light. Light travels in a straight
line. Sometimes it bounces back into the direction of the source. This
property is called reflection. Water, windows, shiny metal, and mirrors
are just some of the many objects that reflect light.

What happens when light passes from one material to another

material? Perform the following activity to answer this question.

Warning: Do not do this activity alone. Ask the help of

your parents or any responsible adult at home.

Activity 2. Broken or Not?

Directions: Gather the following materials.

• clear glass half-filled with water
• bamboo stick


1. Put the bamboo stick in a

glass half-filled with water.
Look at the stick on top of
the glass then at the side of
it. Record your
observations in your
Science notebook.

2. Pull out the bamboo stick

in a glass. Observe the
appearance of bamboo
stick from the top and on
the side of the glass.
Record your observation.
Figure 2. Glass half-filled with water and
bamboo stick

Directions: Based on the result of your activity, answer the following:

Write the answer on your answer sheet.

1. Describe the bamboo stick when you looked at from the top of the
clear glass?
2. What is the image of the bamboo stick when you looked at the side of
the clear glass?

3. Is the bamboo stick look the same after you pulled out from the clear

4. What do your observations show about the way light travels through
different media?

As you look at the bamboo stick, from the top or on one side, the
bamboo stick appeared bent at the water surface. However, when you took
it out of the glass, it was straight. When part of it was placed in the glass
of water, it looked bent. It even appeared as if it was cut and its lower end
was bigger. But when you raised the bamboo stick and touched it, it was
not bent.

The activity shows another property of light called refraction. As you

looked up at the bamboo stick, the top part of it came directly to your
eyes, light rays from the bottom part passed first through the surface
between the water and the air. The rays are bend. Refraction is the
bending of light as it travels from one type of material to another like from
air to water.

Activiry 3. Is White Light Made Up of Colors?

Warning: Do not do this activity alone. Ask the help of

your parents or any responsible adult at home.

Directions: Gather the following materials.

• a glass of water
• a window ledge
• bright sunlight
• a sheet of white paper
1. Set a glass of water on top of a
table exposed to bright
sunlight. You may use an open
area of your house that is free
from obstruction from tall
trees. Ask you parents to
assist you.
2. Place a sheet of white paper on
the table. The paper should be
positioned at the back of the
glass of water. (Refer to the
illustration on the side) Image taken from Science Learner’s Material
Observe the rays of the sun 4
Figure 3. Illustration of How Light Scatters
that passes through the glass.
Write your observation in your
Science notebook.

Directions: Based on the result of your activity, answer the following and
write the answer in your Science Notebook.

1. What did you noticed about the sun’s rays that passed through the
glass of water when they strike the paper?

2. What were the different colors that you saw? Where do you usually see
such kinds of colors?

3. Is it possible to obtain the same results using an artificial light like

that of flashlight?

4. What does this activity tell us about white light?


White light has different colors which is the color of the rainbow. The
colors of the rainbow and all the other colors that we see around us are
colors that come from the light of the sun. A rainbow is formed when the
light from the sun passes through raindrops. That is why you see a
rainbow after it has rained. A rainbow is the result of sunlight breaking
into different colors. In the activity, the glass of water reflects light. As the
light bends, it separates into different colors or the colors of the rainbow
which is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (ROYGBIV).
This property of light is called dispersion. Dispersion is the separation of
visible light into its different colors.

V. Reflection
Directions: Answer the following. Write the answer on your answer sheet.

1. What is the importance of light to you?


2. Write two important things you have learned from this lesson.
VI. Answer Key

Activity 1
1. The picture seems to be complete.
2. There will be different views of the picture.
3. No.
4. The printed text is read backwards or inverted.

Activity 2
1. The bamboo stick looked the same.
2. The bamboo stick looked broken and thicker than the part that was
not dipped in the water.
3. No
4. Light can be bent. It can make objects appear broken.

Activity 3
1. I noticed that they have different colors.
2. The colors of the rainbow.
3. Answers may vary. But you can say that it is possible.
4. White light has different colors which is the color of the rainbow.

Answers may vary

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