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The Implicit Association Test assesses the association between attributes and an attitude

object by having participants quickly categorise words or images and measuring reaction
time. This is my result of the Implicit Association Test (IAT). I really enjoy answering this test.
If i'm not mistaken this is my first time to answer a question like this.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures the strength of associations between concepts
and evaluations (good or bad) or stereotypes (safe, dangerous).
Some research has found that the IAT tends to be a better predictor of behaviour in socially
sensitive contexts. For me People can't articulate what drives their behaviour because they
don't have full access to those deep and hidden mental processes. Implicit research
techniques seek to measure underlying responses that we are often not fully conscious of. I
have a read before a article that a major advantage of the implicit associations test is
The key benefit of taking an IAT, originally developed by Harvard University researchers, is
that we can become aware of these implicit biases and begin to address them. If we hold
assumptions about others of which we are not aware, our performance and interaction with
colleagues and patients might suffer.

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