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4 MAY 2023


Table of contents

1. What is supply chain management

2. Briefly describe how and when supply chain grew
3. What is the impact of globalization on supply chain
4. Impact of environmental sustainability and green movement in supply chain
5. What do you think about SCM if you consider CPEC?
6. references


In simple words ,supply chain is defined as chain of command or flow of products and
services from its simplest version as in ,raw materials to its most complex version or
final example of it is coffee production from the seeding of coffees to
freshly brewed coffee (Worku, 2023).on further elaborating on the importance of
supply chain (AI Humdan et al., 2023) ,talks about the relative importance of supply
chain in today’s modern age as one of the major companies such as amazon are highly
dependent on supply chain . Today’s digitally based SCM systems include material
handling software for all individuals involved in the process of product creation; from
wholesalers to suppliers.
“If supply chain would have an arch enemy, it would
be called bad communication”

Moving on to the compnents of supply chain management .their are five main
components of suppy chian that ensure the correct delivery of goods and services .
 Planning ; which plans and manages all the resoutces required to met the
demand of the customer for a product or service example of you placing an
order at the daraz is more likely abut groundworking in order to
satisfy the customer
 Sourcing ;it is about choosing loyal suppliers who are ready to deliver the
required raw materials in order to create the right product .its main processes
includes ordering,managing inventory and suppliers payemnts
 Manufacturing;it is about organizing activites ,manufacturing the product and
one of it key element is packaging ,one example of it is the packaging of roasted
coffee beans to deliver to the coffee shop,another exaple is of sustainable
packaging of strawberries(Giuggioli et al., 2017)
 Delivery ;which is about managing the customers orders,and schedling the
delivery and receiving payments from customers
 Returing ;it is more related to after sales service where customers retrun faulty
or wrong delivered product and it is also about excess products which have to be
returend to the suplier
Enabling is the complaince with all the departmenst and is about efficient supply
chain mangement and includes finace ,hr sales ,quality assurance
On way to lay empasis on the relative importance of supply chain management is the
mangemnet of resources effectively and reduce waste(Nguyen et al., 2021).


Supply has always been a big part of history and as the human population incresed
supply chain becme essential to deliver the products on time (Di Nardo et al., 2020).
Moving on to the revolution of supply chain management.

 Pre 1900’s before the industrial revolution .supply chain was local and restricted
thorugh other regions and was mainly through railroads
 From 1900-1950 ,supply chain thrived to grow and industry leaders got the idea
of improving processes and increasing profits and started reasearching on
mechansim following the world war 2.towards 1950 ,the cocept of unit load
beacme popular and it later on extended to transport systems.
 1980 onwards ,supply chain came in its exact shape as the concept of peronal
computers was introduced and planning became easier using softwares and
towards the end of 1980s supply chain was considered as complex and
important and so the council of logistics department was 1982
keith oliver used the term ‘supply chain management’ ;the first time and that is
when the key components of supply chain were introduced and it becoem
properly defined and erp ws introduced .
 1990’s-2000’s ,supply chain grew further as advanced planning was introduced
and imports and exports were increased .and in 1997 amazon wnet public and
opened its doors to the first online store
 2010-2020,people became increasingly aware of the internet and so did

supplychain as proper systems beacme established as things were getting
digitalized(Schmidt et al., 2022) and organizations around the world begin to
adapt to industry 4.0 strategies for greater efficency and profits .
 Supply chain now ; with continuous advancment in technology and introduction
to AI is making supply chain move towards data driven and more adaptable in
todays age and becoming more complex yet efficent for the future generations.
And according to a miknsy article the revenue generated by supply chain is going
to further increase in the future .

What is the impact of globalization on suppy chain ?

Globalalization has become a huge part of how modren business partices and so does
it becomes an integral part of supply chain ,as it gives people access to different
markets ,reduce costs and efficency,one impact is on the metal industry(Dametew et
al., 2020),however it has its own positive and negative impacts
Moving to the benefits first ,globalization has given access to new markets and low like the dubai gulf fair enables people around the world to gather
together and sell their goods to the market .then it lowers the production costs for the
company itself ,one example is of apple and its production in the chinese company
fostcon,and increase profits as at the end of the day it is all about money .then it also
creates remote job oppurtunites for young people who are not willing to travel and it
also leads to outsourcing the process form raw material to finished goods in order to
increase diversity.overall communication leads to diversity and expansion to greater
markets if you hav the right knowledge.
Moving to the drawbacks of supply chain(Ghadge et al., 2021), firstly it increases
complexity ,in terms of managing the process where distance can be a major
problem.then comes increased competition as all the companies around the world
have the same access to suppliers and evry thing within.then comes legal issues as
people tend to voilate rights example of the textile industry in bangladesh where
people are expected to work overtie with less money.increased risks due to natural
disasters and the climate crisis things have become very compliacted ,especially if it is
long ditsnace.
However if company are fully aware of the challenges then they will do their best to

overcome those and excede them.

Impact of environmental sustainability and green movement in supply chain

Environmental sutainability is a huge concern in todays modren age and the climate
crisis is having disatrous consequesces in todays world and the green movement is a
solution to reduce the current situation if companies take it into consideration(Irani et
al., 2017).
Moving on to its impact on supply chain ,on taking positive impact into
consideration,first comes competitive advantage ,as people would prefer working with
those people who take environment sustainbility into consideration,one example is of
hotel management(Migdadi, 2022) and other companies are also using sustainable
packaging.moving on it could help you collaborating with suppliers(Banaeian et al.,
2015) to gain more transparency.then by lowering the carbon footprint might bring
added costs currently but in the long run has more added advantages .moving on when
you are a big company you have a great responsibility towards every one who is
impacted by your company and thus you influence other poepl to follow the green
movement as well and create also improves the public image of the
Moving on to the drawbacks (Hall et al., 2023),first comes the fact it is time consuming
as you have to change the entire goal of the company or introduce a sustaibnable
product only just like that introduced sustainable shoes .it would also increase the
costs for the company as sustainable raw materials can be expensive.then as a
company when you swtich your compettive adavantage shareholders might want to
take their money back as it might bring losses to them.

What do you think about scm if you consider cpec ?

Cpec is like a corridor between two neighbouring countries ,bringing added advantage
to both countries and the projetc connects northwestern chinses province to the
gwador port through a network of roads and through this route china could trade with
EU ,middle east and other countries with pakistan as a primary source and this waould
improve the public image of pakistan and its relations with suppliers (Kamran et al.,
2020)and (Kamran et al., 2020)and(Rao Qasim Idrees, Jawwad Riaz, 2020).
Moving on with improved transportation ,purcahses and supply would be made easier
and costs would be reduced along with increasd efficency .and thus it would increase
efficiency in supplies of commodites which would lead to greater trade .the cpec would
greatly boost the pakistan’s supply chain business.and would also lead to development
in pakistan and improve transport system as well as create job oppurtunites for people
thus improving the standard of living .furhermore ,the construction of one of a kind
cargo village would aid in the facilitation of good cargo influx to central asian republic
and pakistan and pakistan may serve as a key shipment area .the transportation would
consist dry ports ,seaports ,motorways linking roads ,railroads ,warehouses and would
play a key role in deciimg the success of cpec .


1. AI Humdan, E., Shi, Y., Behina, M., & Chowdhury, M. (2023). Examining agile
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5. Ghadge, A., Duck, A., Er, M., & Caldwell, N. (2021). Deceptive counterfeit risk in
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