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Andee: Do you want to visit the Philippines yet you’re unsure whether to visit or not?

Erianne:Did you know that The Philippines has several tourist spots you can visit.
Henna: I believe that the islands and beaches are one of the most beautiful spots to visit
Thea: Yes! From what I know Island Garden city of samal, Camiguin Island, Boracay,
Siargao, and Palawan has the best beaches ever!
Andee: In my experience, Negros has also nice beaches and Islands!
Henna: not only beaches and Islands but I think landforms like volcanoes, mountains,
and hills are also one of the best tourist attractions!
Thea: I agree with Henna, Mayon Volcano, Taal Volcano, Bangui Windmills, and
Chocolate hills are one of the amazing spots to visit!
Erianne: In my experience, Filipino foods and delicacies are also one of the reasons to
visit the Philippines!
Henna: Personally, I think that Adobo, Sisig, Kare-Kare, Bulalo, and Batchoy are some
of the foods that I love.
Thea: I must admit that Halo-halo, turon, mais con yelo, puto, cassava cake, and
kutsinta are the best desserts and delicacies here!
Andee: Yes! I agree with thea, In other words, Filipino food is comforting, greasy, hearty,
meaty, and absolutely heavenly.
Henna: You’ll be blown away by the succulent and mouth-watering pork dishes, the
fresh seafood, and the incredibly fun food festival in the Philippines. The cuisine is
influenced by foreign cultures, especially the Spanish, and changes regionally.
Erianne: In my opinion, you should visit the Philippines to experience these things! Like
seeing the view of the beaches and landforms, and the delicious taste of the foods and
Andee: As I have noted, Philippines has the most relaxing beaches and islands, as well
as magnificent scenery. Don't forget to take part in the fun festivals and fantastic
adventures that await you when you visit the mountainous, volcanic, and hilly areas!
Thea: The Philippines will never fail to amaze you. The stunning sights above and under the
sea, the culture, the hospitality, the food, and of course, the friendly people willing to
welcome visitors wherever and whenever.
All: So what are you waiting for? Visit the Philippines!

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