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Lucia Mei Vivó Vindel




The interest in happiness has recently increased its popularity at the extent of
becoming a trend in modern life. How come that more and more people are interested in this
aspect of life?

I would set fire to myself saying that for sure everybody has experienced situation of
extremely delight at least once in their lives. In my case, it was when I achieved to enter to the
degree that I wanted against the odds, for instance, none of my parents would have never
imagined that I would be able to exceed my limits and bend over backwards. That was only
something that happens once in a lifetime, but I have had experimented happiness during my
whole life, for example when I meet my friends after a large amount of time not seeing them.

But in my opinion, family is the one who brings the most happiness to our lives
moreover your closest friends, there is no other greater joy than knowing that they will always
love as well as support you in every decision you make. They are the ones who will make you
feel better when you are feeling blue.

It has been always said that if people do things with joy and as a choice, they would be eager
to do it as soon as possible moreover the better they can. For that reason I personally believe
that everyone should pursuit their happiness and stop living their lives to please others, in that
way they would be in a better mood and see live in a different perspective.

All the opinions have their pro and cons, but at the end what really maters is how you
personally feel, how do you want to live your live. That is why I would recommend to every
person in the world to choose their path in live, do whatever they think is the best for them
and will bring them delight.

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