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Lucía Mei Vivó Vindel


The new advertisement launched by Bimbo brand presented a new vanilla and chocolate
muffin named penguin. It has been presented in two different sorts of product, as a small cake
as well as chocolate biscuits, pursuing to attract children moreover teenagers attention.

Regarding to its visual presentation, it is has been a good choice although it could be
considered quite simplistic since it only shows the different types of snacks that are being sold
by this company. However, that is the key point of what they are trying to accomplish. In this
way, watching tasty food consumers are influenced to buy them. Even so, what really attracts
people is not what they see in that publicity but other factors.

So why is it so remarkable? It is actually not presenting anything new, however its success lies
in the fact that it has a catchy moreover unforgettable song that sticks in people's minds. For
that reason, not only that song is endlessly being remembered, it also influences people to
purchase that product. That is why I believe that this add has been correctly focused because
thanks to the fantastic melody which includes animal sounds it has become a powerful tool to
draw in children, its main consumer.

To my mind, I strongly believe that this kind of commercials have a strong impact in the way in
which a product is chosen to be bought. Usually publicity makes use of emotions in order to
manipulate people´s choices resulting in their items being chosen among other branches, that
is why appealing images are used. In this case, the commercial is taking advantage of how the
children get constantly infatuated of what they see, appealing to them with appetizing food.

In general, this sort of infectious publicity is the root of companies becoming famous, the
attractiveness of their advertisements raise their sells. However, sometimes this can lead in
false advertising, so it is extremely important not to trust them blindly.

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