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Lucía Mei Vivó Videl


Both texts show how important memories have become in people’s life. While the first
one points out that past events shouldn’t be constantly compared with the present, the other
one outlines the fact that one situation can be remembered in completely different ways by
different people who were involved.

The first text makes particular mention of a tendency of revive past situations in order
to find some sort of delight in it as well as pleasure. It also considers that previous memories
should never be compared with the actual ones due to the fact that it is not possible to life
through them, instead it is necessary to focus on the present.

To my mind, I believe that each person should live their lives in the way they prefer,
remembering their past or not taking it into account. However, it cannot be forgotten that
they are a key point hen it comes to make an important decision, just because our mistakes
can guide our future acts.

On the other hand, the second text remarks the meaningful role of memories in
building everyone’s own personality as well as how they behave or act in front of a specific
situation. It has also to be said that it focusses on the idea that a same memory is not
remembered with the same approach by two different people.

From my point of view, I entirely agree with the fact that the way in which every
person has lived their life contributes to make them how they are now. That is because
everything contributes to build our temper, a person does not born with his personality
defined, it is a result of the acts and decisions that the person makes. As for the way of looking
back to the past, I consider that this is a completely subjective thing due to every memory is
remembered in the perspective of a person, which can be totally different from the one of
another person involved.

In my opinion, forget the past is something that has not to be done, just as Cicerone
said, “whoever forgets his story is doomed to repeat it”. For that reason, it is very important in
order to not make the same mistakes one time after another, they help us to learn.

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