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Lucía Mei Vivó Vindel


Both tests consider the way in which cinemas have developed until today. While the first one
analyses the role that they play in people in addition to how they influence them, the second
one remarks how the quality of the movies that are being produced in modern days have lost
quality significantly.

The first one points out how cinemas have become a back up option in order to cope with
those spare moments when nothing else needs to be done. It also mentions how thanks to
their impressive background message they are now capable to change people’s way of thinking
to the extent of modifying not only their principles but also their moral.

To my mind, these reflections present quite an overstated thinking. It is true that if there is
nothing better to deal with, going to the cinema may be a suitable choice, however most
people find pleasure going alone just to have some enjoyable time or just to learn something
new. On the other hand, it is also considered how influential films may be. Not only it is stated
that they are able to touch people’s hearts, but what is more, change how they think. That is
an ambitious statement although it has to be said that society tends to imitate several ways of
behaviour as well as attitudes, sometimes owing to admiration.

In contrast, the second text emphasises the way in which cinemas have seen their social value
decreased in modern day. It also remarks the fact that nowadays almost any film deserves to
be seen dur to the fact that producers focus more in obtaining benefits rather that in creating
a high quality more over superb film.

In this text the author hits the spot when it is mentioned that nowadays it is preferred benefits
over a great job being done. That way of thinking may be effective just a few times, but when it
occurs repeatedly it leads in people not wanting to watch those films. This is suggesting that
cinematographic industry is just taking advantage of population, selling always films with the
same or low-quality plots.

To sum up, everyone watches films, that is why it must be taken into account that they may
show an unrealistic moreover ideal society. For that reason, it is essential to learn what is
fiction just to not imitate those actions in the real world, specially for children who maybe just
want to imitate their favourite superhero.

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