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It cannot be denied that nowadays advertising has a very significant effect on society, because it

exists everywhere, for example posters, brochures, banners and television commercials, which
allow you to access a variety of products and services.

First of all, advertisements have the purpose of informing about the products in an objective way,
motivating the purchase, however, not all the time they inform correctly, so they do not fulfill
their function 100%. This happens because they do not reflect the products as they really are, they
try to create "perfect" things, an example of this is food, it looks great in the advertisement, but at
the moment of buying it does not even look like it, or in magazines, we always see perfect bodies,
beautiful faces and enviable lives.

Therefore, commercials are not beneficial to viewers, they clearly inform and advertise products,
but not in a realistic way, or in other cases, cause frustration, since seeing all those perfect bodies
repeatedly, generates a false illusion, which leads you to compare yourself.

Finally, I believe that advertising surrounds us every day, informs us, but not objectively and
almost always produces false standards in food, as well as in bodies, that lead you to frequent
comparison. Personally, I think they are misleading advertisements and we should be more aware
of it.

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