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Prelim Examination
Name: _________________________________ Score: _________________
WALTER F. GALAROSA, PhD Date: __________________

Test I. Identify whether the following variables is INDEPENDENT or DEPENDENT. Write your
answer in an extra clean paper or coupon bond.
_____ 1. Strategic Planning
_____ 2. Sources of Stress
_____ 3. Mathematics Performance
_____ 4. Gender
_____ 5. Occupational Preference
_____ 6. Leadership Skills
_____ 7. Academic Preparation
_____ 8. Total Quality Management
_____ 9. Motivation
_____ 10. General Point Average or GPA
_____ 11. Organizational Effectiveness
_____ 12. Emotional Quotient
_____ 13. Faculty Empowerment
_____ 14. Licensure Examination for Teachers
_____15. Age and Sex

Test II. Identification. Identify the correct answer for each statements/sentence stated below.
Put your answer in another sheet of paper.
__________ 1. A tentative solution to a particular problem which may be accepted or rejected,
depending on what the facts are and need to be tested using appropriate statistical treatment
or formula.
__________ 2. It contains literature coming from books, journals, and other forms of material,
concerning or relevant to the study, but are data-free or non-empirical material, coming from
both foreign and local sources.
__________ 3. This is not a title of a chapter. It signifies the importance of the paper through
statements supported and substantiated by references from important researches.
__________ 4. This is the most important consideration that a researcher should be concerned
of. One can never do an empirical research without these.
__________ 5. It is a statement taken for granted. It does not have to be proven like a theory or
tested like a hypothesis. It is just taken as a simple truth.
__________ 6. It is a temporary solution to a statistical problem and is used only when the null
hypothesis is rejected.
__________ 7. In historical research, it is required as the source of the best evidence. This is
because the data come from the testimony of able eyes and ear witnesses to past events.
__________ 8. It is also known as the functional definition. It is the way the term is used in the
investigation or study.
__________ 9. It is a method of research which involves solving a problem or problems that are
no longer there. This refers to the setting that will generate data, at which case, the investigator
will have to rely on primary and secondary data. It involves solving a past problem to help in
knowing what to do in the present and the future.
__________ 10. It is always the first temporary solution to a problem. It offers a prediction that
there will be no existence of an effect, relationship, interaction, or of difference.

Test III. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is false
or incorrect, underline the word/s that make the statement wrong, then write the correct
answer to make the statement correct on the space provided before the number.
__________ 1. A research activity is an investment and therefore, needs people. One needs this
for questionnaires, data analysis, for papers, other materials, and for the typing of the
__________ 2. One of the most common complaints or clamors of students in research is that
they have a problem. Some problems are easy to solve, but problems in research need more
time and intensive effort.
__________ 3. Both theoretical and conceptual frameworks are creations of the adviser, upon
the problem of the study are based. Moreover, they serve as an inductive approach towards
the objectives of the study or the statement of the problem.
__________ 4. One of the most important considerations in the choice of the topic is the fact
that it is important, or that it is of value. The study should have an importance to you, to the
school, or to the community, or that it will end up developing a policy that will benefit national
leadership in education, in the university, or in the community.
__________ 5. Alternative, in mathematics means “empty” or zero. This is always the first
statistical hypothesis to be tested.
__________ 6. Facilities and instruments needed in an experiment should be available,
especially laboratory equipment and chemicals.
__________ 7. Basically, every research starts with a question. At the start, this may be a broad
one. In this case, it needs to be made specific and clear.
__________ 8. Ethnography is a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events as
steps in the sequence of human nature activities. Broadly, it involves many past experiences
that help in knowing what to do in the present and plan what is in the future.
__________ 9. Note-taking or getting evidence and materials should be well-arranged and
systematically sorted according to the objectives.
__________ 10. One of the early tasks of doing historical research is the gathering of materials
and where to get the best materials so that the problem of the study may be answered.

Test IV. Selection Type. Identify and select from the box the correct answer for each
statements/sentence stated below. Put your answer in another sheet of paper.

Independent variable Conceptual Definition Empirical

Analytical Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework

Research Objectives Logical Research

Operational Definition Dependent Variable Intervening Variable

Scope and Limitations Research Problem Variable

1. It shapes the justification of the research problem/research objectives in order to

provide the legal bases for defining its parameters. It is also a symbolic construction
which uses abstract concepts, facts or laws, variables and their relations that explain
and predict how an observed phenomenon exists and operates.
2. The definition of terms is based on concepts or hypothetic ones which are usually
taken from dictionary, encyclopedia, and published journals.
3. Scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of facts that links an individual’s speculation with reality.
4. Research is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher. The
collection of data relies on practical experience without giving consideration to
scientific knowledge or theory.
5. A variable which is that which we measure at the end of a study or experiment. It is
the object of the investigation. Another term for this is criterion measure. This is also
the response variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of
the independent variable.
6. Important section of a thesis, dissertation, and research paper which includes the
coverage of the study area, the subjects, the research apparatus, equipment or
instrument, the research issues and concerns, the duration of the study, and the
constraints that have direct bearing on the result of the study.
7. This is defined as a quantity susceptible of fluctuation or change in value or
magnitude under different conditions. Numerical values or categories represent
these qualities.
8. Research is based on valid procedures and principles. Scientific study is done in an
orderly manner so that the investigator has confidence on the results. Systematic
examination of the procedures used in the research enables the investigator to draw
valid conclusions.
9. Statement of purpose for which the investigation is to be conducted. This serves as a
guide to be accomplished by the researcher in accomplishing/conducting his/her
research project.
10. A variance that is the cause or antecedent. It may either manipulable or non-
manipulable. This is also the stimulus variable which is chosen by the researcher to
determine its relationship to an observed phenomenon.
Test V. Enumeration.
1-5. Five chapters of the main body of research
6-9. The most common qualitative methods of research
10-13. Functions of a theory
14-18. Advantages of Appreciative Inquiry
19-21. Steps in using the historical methods
22-27. Category of major types of literature
28-35. Subtopics found in Chapter 1
36-40. Characteristics of good problem

Test VI. Compare and Contrast

1. Ethnographic Method vs Phenomenological Method
2. Qualitative Methods vs Quantitative Methods
3. Literature and Studies
4. Basic Research vs Applied Research
5. Deliberate Historical Research vs Incidental Historical Research

Test VII. Essay

1. Explain the significance or the essence of related literature and studies in conducting
research. Do you think it has a greater impact in doing research study? Why?
2. How important is an introduction in a research study? Explain and elaborate your
3. How does research lead to new technologies? Explain your answer comprehensively.


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