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Second Semester 2019 – 2020

Mid semester examination (Closed Book)

Course Name: Green Buildings and Energy Conservation

1. Describe the use of Psychrometric chart in understanding thermal comfort?

Answer:-A psychrometric chart is a tool used to understand the relationship between different properties of
air, such as temperature, humidity, and moisture content. It can be used to evaluate whether the air conditions in
a space are comfortable for people.

To use the chart for thermal comfort, you first need to know the temperature and
humidity of the air in the space. Then, you can plot these values on the chart to
determine other properties, like the dew point temperature and absolute humidity.

By looking at the chart, you can evaluate different factors that affect thermal
comfort, such as the temperature of the air and the amount of moisture in the air.
This information can be used to design and operate HVAC(Heating, Ventilation, and
Air Conditioning) systems that provide comfortable indoor environments for people.

The chart typically displays air temperature and relative humidity along the horizontal
and vertical axes, respectively. Other parameters such as enthalpy, dew point
temperature, and specific volume can also be included. The chart enables the user to
determine the specific condition of air required to achieve a desired level of thermal
comfort, such as the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity.

2. Briefly explain of adaptive thermal comfort vs Fanger’s single temperature standard?

Answer:- Adaptive thermal comfort and Fanger's single temperature standard are two different
approaches to understanding and defining indoor thermal comfort.

Fanger's single temperature standard is based on the idea that there is a single ideal
temperature that will provide thermal comfort for everyone in a given environment.
This approach uses a mathematical model to calculate the temperature, humidity, air
velocity, and other variables needed to achieve this ideal temperature. However, this
approach doesn't account for individual differences in thermal preference and
assumes that everyone has the same ideal temperature.

On the other hand, adaptive thermal comfort is based on the idea that people can
adapt to a range of indoor temperatures and that individual preferences for thermal
comfort can vary widely. Adaptive thermal comfort considers factors such as age,
gender, activity level, and clothing when determining thermal comfort, as well as the
potential for people to adapt to a wider range of temperatures. This approach
recognizes that individuals may have different comfort preferences and that people
can adapt to different indoor conditions over time.

In summary, Fanger's single temperature standard assumes that there is one ideal
temperature for everyone, while adaptive thermal comfort acknowledges that
individual preferences can vary and that people can adapt to different indoor

3. Explain the concept of PDEC strategy for passive cooling?

Answer:- The PDEC (Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling) strategy is a method of passive
cooling that uses the natural properties of air and water to cool indoor spaces.

The process involves bringing outside air into the building through a series of vents
or openings, where the air passes over a wet surface (such as a wetted pad or a
spray of water). As the air passes over the wet surface, it picks up moisture through
evaporation, which cools the air.

The cooled air then moves through the building, typically via ductwork or other air
distribution systems, to provide a comfortable indoor environment. The PDEC system
can be designed to work with both natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation

One of the advantages of the PDEC system is that it uses minimal energy compared
to traditional air conditioning systems, which can lead to significant energy savings.
Additionally, the system uses natural and sustainable resources (air and water) to
provide cooling, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cooling systems.

Overall, the PDEC strategy is a sustainable and cost-effective way to provide passive
cooling in buildings, by using the natural cooling power of air and water.
Second Semester 2018 – 2019 Mid semester examination (Closed Book)

1. Briefly explain the factors which can affect/effect indoor air flow patterns and velocities?

Answer :- 1. Building layout and design: The layout and design of a building can have a significant impact on
indoor air flow. The placement of doors, windows, and vents, as well as the size and shape of rooms and
corridors, can affect the way air moves throughout the space.

2. Temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity levels can affect the
density of the air, which in turn can affect air flow patterns and velocities.
Warm air rises, while cool air sinks, so temperature variations can create
convection currents that impact air flow.

3. Air pressure differentials: Air pressure differentials, both inside and outside
the building, can also affect indoor air flow patterns. For example, if a building
is located in an area with high winds, it may experience increased air pressure
on one side, which can impact the way air moves inside.

4. Ventilation systems: The design and operation of ventilation systems can

also affect indoor air flow. Properly designed and maintained ventilation
systems can promote good air circulation and prevent stagnation, while poorly
designed or maintained systems can lead to poor air quality and air flow

5. Obstructions: Objects such as furniture, equipment, or partitions can

obstruct air flow and alter air flow patterns. This can lead to areas of stagnant
air or areas with increased air velocity, depending on the location and size of
the obstruction.

6. Occupant behavior: Occupant behavior, such as opening or closing windows

or doors, using fans or HVAC systems, or even just moving around within the
space, can also affect indoor air flow patterns and velocities.

2. What are transitional spaces? Explain how transitional spaces work in hot climates giving examples?

Answer:- Transitional spaces are areas between indoor and outdoor environments that provide a buffer zone to
regulate heat and air flow. In hot climates, transitional spaces are designed to help keep indoor environments
cool by allowing hot air to escape and cool air to enter.

For example, a common transitional space in hot climates is a covered porch or

veranda that is open on one or more sides. This space helps to block direct sunlight
from entering the indoor space while allowing air to circulate freely. Another example
is a courtyard, which is an open space surrounded by buildings that provides shade
and allows for natural ventilation.

Transitional spaces work by taking advantage of natural airflow patterns and using
design features to regulate temperature and humidity. For instance, they may have
high ceilings or be built with materials that are good at retaining coolness, like stone
or adobe. They may also incorporate water features, like fountains or pools, which
help to evaporate water and cool the air.

Overall, transitional spaces are a key feature of traditional architecture in hot

climates, and they help to create comfortable living spaces that are well-adapted to
the local climate.

1. ___________________ is the most widely used climate classification systems system divides the
world into five major climate regions and their 24 sub-classifications based on average monthly
temperature and precipitation values. In India for the purpose of design of buildings, the country
may be divided into the __________ (how many) major climatic zone

Answer:- The most widely used climate classification system is the Köppen Climate
Classification System. It divides the world into five major climate
regions (tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar) and their 24
sub-classifications based on average monthly temperature and
precipitation values.

In India, for the purpose of the design of buildings, the country may be divided into
five major climatic zones. These zones are designated as Zone 1 (hot and dry), Zone
2 (warm and humid), Zone 3 (temperate), Zone 4 (cold) and Zone 5 (very cold).

Que. Briefly explain the use Bioclimatic chart developed by Olgayay.

Answer:- The bioclimatic chart, developed by architect Victor Olgyay, is a tool used in
architectural design to analyze and understand the local climate and its effects on human
comfort. The chart provides a visual representation of various climatic parameters, such as
temperature, humidity, and wind, and their impact on the human body.

The chart is divided into eight climate zones, each with its own set of bioclimatic
indicators. These indicators include mean temperature, temperature range, humidity,
solar radiation, wind speed, and precipitation. Architects can use this information to
design buildings that are better adapted to the local climate and to maximize human
comfort while minimizing energy consumption.
The bioclimatic chart is a valuable tool for architects, engineers, and urban planners,
as it helps them understand the complex relationship between the built environment
and the natural environment. By designing buildings that are responsive to the local
climate, designers can create more sustainable and energy-efficient structures that
enhance human well-being.

Que. Explain the concept of adaptive model of thermal comfort comparing it other concepts of
thermal comfort?
Answer:- The adaptive model of thermal comfort is a concept that takes into account the fact
that people can adjust to changes in their thermal environment over
time. This model suggests that rather than maintaining a constant
temperature or range of temperatures, the indoor environment should
be designed to allow occupants to adapt to changing conditions.

In contrast to other models of thermal comfort, such as the "steady-state" model,

which assumes that people have a fixed thermal comfort range that remains
constant regardless of the environment, the adaptive model recognizes that
individuals can adapt to a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels.

The adaptive model is also different from the "predictive" model, which attempts to
calculate a precise temperature range that will be comfortable for most people
based on factors such as age, gender, and metabolic rate. Instead, the adaptive
model recognizes that individuals have unique thermal preferences and can adapt to
a range of environmental conditions.

The adaptive model of thermal comfort suggests that the indoor environment should
be designed to provide a range of temperatures and humidity levels, along with
features such as natural ventilation, shading, and thermal mass, to allow occupants
to adapt to changing conditions. This approach can help to reduce energy
consumption and increase occupant satisfaction and productivity by providing a
more flexible and adaptable indoor environment.

Que. Describe any four salient features of vernacular architecture as compared to

classical architecture? Mention any four unique features of the vernacular architecture
style that you chose for Assignment 1?

Answer:- Vernacular architecture is a type of architecture that is characterized by its

connection to the local culture, materials, and climate. It is built using traditional building
techniques and local materials, and is often designed by non-professional builders. Here
are four salient features of vernacular architecture as compared to classical architecture:
1. Local materials: Vernacular architecture makes use of materials that are
locally available and easily accessible, such as wood, stone, mud, and thatch.
This is in contrast to classical architecture, which often uses imported
materials such as marble, granite, and limestone.
2. Regional character: Vernacular architecture is often specific to a particular
region or culture, and reflects the unique needs and customs of that
community. In contrast, classical architecture is more universal in its design,
drawing from a variety of styles and influences.
3. Functionality: Vernacular architecture is primarily designed to meet the needs
of the people who use it, with an emphasis on practicality and functionality.
Classical architecture, on the other hand, is often more concerned with
aesthetics and symmetry.
4. Informal design: Vernacular architecture is often designed and constructed by
local people who have learned traditional building techniques through
generations of experience. This results in a more informal, organic design that
is less rigid than classical architecture.

Que.Answer in short (2x3 = 6 Marks)

a. Define CET? Why is it used?

b. What is a Katta thermometer?

c. What function do a courtyard, patio and verandahs serve?

Answer:- a. CET stands for Central European Time. It is a standard time used in most
European countries during the winter months when daylight saving time is not in effect. It is
used to ensure that people in different countries can coordinate their activities and schedules
more easily.

b. A Katta thermometer is a traditional Indian thermometer that consists of a long

glass tube filled with mercury or alcohol. The tube is marked with calibrated scales
and placed in a container filled with water. The thermometer is used by observing the
level at which the liquid in the tube settles in the water, indicating the temperature.

c. Courtyards, patios, and verandahs serve various functions in a building. Courtyards

provide an open space for gathering and socializing, while patios offer a space for
outdoor dining and relaxation. Verandahs serve as transitional spaces between the
indoors and outdoors, providing shade and ventilation. They also act as a buffer zone
between the exterior and interior of a building, helping to regulate temperature and
control light.
Que. Calculate the transmittance of a composite wall of easterly normal exposure
consisting of the following from outer to inner respectively: 12mm light plastering 228 mm
engineering brick work 50 mm EPS foam insulation 100mm medium concrete blocks; 25
mm wood wool slab and 12mm dense plastering

Answer:-To calculate the transmittance of the composite wall, we need to calculate the
thermal resistance (R-value) of each layer and then sum them up to get the overall R-value.
Then we can use the overall R-value to calculate the U-value, and finally, the transmittance
using the formula:

Transmittance = 1 / U-value

The thermal resistance of each layer can be calculated using the material's thermal
conductivity (k-value) and thickness (d):

R-value = d / k

Here are the k-values for each layer:

● Light plastering: 0.7 W/mK

● Engineering brickwork: 0.6 W/mK
● EPS foam insulation: 0.035 W/mK
● Medium concrete blocks: 1.2 W/mK
● Wood wool slab: 0.05 W/mK
● Dense plastering: 0.7 W/mK

And here are the thicknesses of each layer:

● Light plastering: 12 mm
● Engineering brickwork: 228 mm
● EPS foam insulation: 50 mm
● Medium concrete blocks: 100 mm
● Wood wool slab: 25 mm
● Dense plastering: 12 mm

Using these values, we can calculate the R-value of each layer:

● Light plastering: R = 0.012 / 0.7 = 0.0171 m²K/W

● Engineering brickwork: R = 0.228 / 0.6 = 0.3800 m²K/W
● EPS foam insulation: R = 0.050 / 0.035 = 1.4286 m²K/W
● Medium concrete blocks: R = 0.100 / 1.2 = 0.0833 m²K/W
● Wood wool slab: R = 0.025 / 0.05 = 0.5000 m²K/W
● Dense plastering: R = 0.012 / 0.7 = 0.0171 m²K/W
To get the overall R-value, we need to sum up the individual R-values:

R-value = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 + R6

= 0.0171 + 0.3800 + 1.4286 + 0.0833 + 0.5000 + 0.0171

= 2.4261 m²K/W

Next, we can calculate the U-value:

U-value = 1 / R-value

= 1 / 2.4261

= 0.4119 W/m²K

Finally, we can calculate the transmittance:

Transmittance = 1 / U-value

= 1 / 0.4119

= 2.43 W/m²K

Therefore, the transmittance of the composite wall is 2.43 W/m²K.

Que.. Briefly explain naturally conditioning of the air in buildings?

Answer:- Naturally conditioning the air in buildings refers to the process of using natural
means to regulate the temperature, humidity, and air quality within a building. This
can include using passive ventilation systems, such as windows, vents, and fans, to
allow fresh air to circulate and remove stale air.

Natural cooling techniques, such as shading, thermal mass, and night-time

ventilation, can also be used to reduce the need for air conditioning systems.
Additionally, the use of natural materials and building design features, such as green
roofs and living walls, can help regulate the temperature and humidity levels within a

Overall, the goal of natural conditioning is to create a comfortable and healthy indoor
environment while minimizing the use of energy-intensive HVAC systems.
Que. A house in suburban area is to be designed to use water efficiently. The client
is also interested to treat the waste water in his backyard (how much ever possible)
from his house and reuse it for flushing and gardening? Assume the house has
municipal water supply and the area has scant rainfall. List few strategies you
would suggest optimize use of water and reuse waste water.

Answer:- There are several strategies that can be implemented to optimize the use of
water in a suburban house and to reuse waste water. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Install low-flow fixtures: Low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets can

significantly reduce water usage without sacrificing performance.
2. Harvest rainwater: Even in areas with scant rainfall, it may still be possible to
harvest rainwater from occasional storms. A rainwater collection system can
be used to collect water for outdoor use, such as watering plants or washing
3. Install a greywater system: A greywater system can be installed to treat
wastewater from sinks, showers, and laundry machines. The treated water
can then be used for flushing toilets or watering plants.
4. Use native and drought-resistant plants: When choosing plants for the garden,
opt for species that are native to the area and/or are drought-resistant. These
plants will require less water and will be more resilient to the local climate.
5. Use mulch: Mulch can help retain moisture in the soil, reducing the need for
6. Fix leaks promptly: Leaks can waste a significant amount of water over time.
Make sure to promptly repair any leaks in the plumbing or irrigation systems.
7. Use a water-efficient dishwasher and washing machine: When it's time to
replace appliances, look for models that are water-efficient. Energy Star
certified models are a good place to start.

By implementing these strategies, the suburban house can optimize water use and
reduce waste, while also providing benefits to the environment and the homeowner's

Que. How do you ensure enough and pleasant natural daylighting in warm and humid

Answer:- In warm and humid climates, it is important to balance the desire for natural
daylighting with the need for shading and ventilation to prevent overheating and humidity
buildup. Here are some strategies to ensure enough and pleasant natural daylighting in such
1. Orientation: Orient the building to minimize direct sunlight and maximize
indirect light. This can be achieved by placing windows on the north and south
sides of the building and minimizing east and west-facing windows.
2. Shading: Use shading devices such as overhangs, sunshades, and louvers to
block direct sunlight and reduce heat gain. These shading devices can be
designed to allow indirect light to penetrate the building.
3. Glazing: Use high-performance glazing with low solar heat gain coefficients
(SHGC) and high visible transmittance (VT) to reduce heat gain while allowing
natural light to enter the building.
4. Interior design: Use light-colored finishes and reflective surfaces to bounce
natural light deeper into the interior space. Mirrors can also be strategically
placed to reflect light.
5. Ventilation: Incorporate natural ventilation strategies such as operable
windows, cross-ventilation, and stack effect to reduce humidity levels and
improve indoor air quality.
6. Artificial lighting: Use energy-efficient lighting fixtures that mimic natural
daylight to supplement natural light and ensure a consistent level of
illumination throughout the day.

By implementing these strategies, it is possible to provide enough and pleasant

natural daylighting in warm and humid climates while also ensuring a comfortable
indoor environment.

Que. 1. Briefly explain. a. Daylight factor b. Thermal Admittance c. Reverse stack effect

Answer:- a. Daylight factor refers to the ratio of the interior illuminance (i.e., light level) of a
space to the exterior illuminance under a clear sky. It is typically expressed as a percentage
and can be used to evaluate the natural lighting performance of a building or room.

b. Thermal admittance is a measure of a material's ability to transfer heat between

the interior and exterior of a building. It is often used to describe the thermal
performance of building envelope components such as walls, roofs, and windows.
Higher thermal admittance values indicate that a material is more effective at
transferring heat, which can lead to increased energy efficiency in a building.

c. Reverse stack effect refers to a phenomenon that can occur in buildings with tall
or complex vertical spaces, such as atria or stairwells. In this scenario, warm air rises
to the top of the space and then is drawn downward by the pressure differential
created by wind or mechanical systems. This can lead to uncontrolled heat transfer
and energy loss in the building.
Que. 2. What is a reed-bed system for treating grey water? How is it more useful than
conventional water treatment systems?

Answer:- A reed bed system for treating grey water is a natural wastewater treatment
process that uses a constructed wetland to filter and purify wastewater. It involves using a
series of shallow, gravel-filled trenches that are planted with specific wetland plants, such
as reeds, cattails, and bulrushes.

The process works by allowing the wastewater to flow through the gravel and plant
roots, which act as filters, removing impurities and nutrients from the water. The
natural bacteria in the gravel and plant roots also help break down and digest organic
matter in the wastewater. As a result, the treated water that emerges from the reed
bed system is typically of a higher quality and can be used for non-potable purposes
such as watering plants, flushing toilets or washing clothes.

Reed bed systems are more useful than conventional water treatment systems in
several ways. First, they are low-cost and low-maintenance, as they rely on natural
processes rather than complex machinery. Second, they are energy-efficient, as they
do not require electricity to operate. Third, they are environmentally friendly, as they
do not produce harmful chemicals or by-products. Fourth, they are a great way to
reuse water and reduce demand for fresh water. Finally, they are aesthetically
pleasing and can enhance the natural beauty of a landscape.

Que. What do you mean by sustainably managed Materials? Describe using examples?

Answer:-Sustainably managed materials refer to materials that are extracted, processed, and
used in a way that ensures the long-term availability of the resource and minimizes negative
environmental and social impacts. This approach aims to balance the needs of the present
and future generations.

Here are some examples of sustainably managed materials:

1. Wood: Wood is a renewable resource that can be sustainably harvested if

managed properly. Forests can be managed to maintain biodiversity, carbon
sequestration, and soil conservation, while still providing a steady supply of
wood for construction and other uses.
2. Recycled materials: Recycling materials such as paper, metal, glass, and
plastic reduces the need for virgin materials and reduces waste. When these
materials are recycled, they are diverted from landfills and can be used to
create new products, reducing the environmental impact of resource
3. Bamboo: Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that can be harvested every
three to five years. It is strong, durable, and versatile, and can be used for a
variety of products, including furniture, flooring, and textiles.
4. Bioplastics: Bioplastics are made from renewable resources such as corn
starch or sugarcane and are biodegradable. They offer an alternative to
traditional plastics that are made from non-renewable resources and can
persist in the environment for hundreds of years.

Overall, the sustainable management of materials is an essential aspect of

sustainable development, as it helps to conserve natural resources, reduce waste
and pollution, and create more resilient and equitable communities.

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