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Name : R.

Radite Evandra Putra

Absen : 26

Class : BDP

English Version :

Salam Pembuka :

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Hi all

Perkenalan :

Introduce my name is Radite Evandra Putra and usually called Radit. I'm
from class X BDP, absent number 26.

Pembukaan :

On this occasion, I will promote haircut services or the modern language,

namely Barbershop.

Pengertian :

Barbershop is an innovation or development of fashion, where in the past,

barbershops were often called barbers. Previously, barbershops started from
mobile barbers, to permanent ones, from open barbershops under trees to
simple barbershops.
Isi :

This barbershop business aims to serve consumers, especially those who have
the desire to look presentable and have the desire to look different than usual.
By using this more modern haircut service, the desire to look neat and look
different can be realized. One of the backgrounds of the establishment of this
Barbershop is concern for the modern generation, especially young people
who want to be different from usual. The younger generation is very
vulnerable to sensitive matters such as idol figures that he knows directly or
through social media, therefore this Barbershop is expected to provide a
solution or a forum for consumers, especially young people to take advantage
of this barber service properly and positive. Barbershop has many facilities
that can make you feel comfortable while in the room. Not only the facilities
but the quality of the haircut can't be doubted either. Only by paying
Rp.25,000 you can become more confident with your cool hair style.

There are also types of pieces that exist today,

1. Mullet

2. Two Block

3. French crop

4. Buzz cut

5. Under cut

Penutupan :

That's all, that's all I can say if you are interested in trying to cut hair at my
barbershop then just contact me. Thank you for your attention.

Salam penutup :

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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