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Trixie Talampas

ABM 11-1

1. Measure the height of your classmates, solve for the mean and standard deviation.
Answer the following questions:

Height of Students in CM.

157.0 161.0 163.1 167.7 170.5 175.6 180.0 183.5 188.1 189.9
158.1 161.0 163.0 167.8 170.6 175.7 181.8 183.5 188.1 189.9
158.0 161.0 163.4 168.0 170.8 175.8 182.9 183.7 188.3 190.0
159.0 162.0 164.1 169.9 171.4 176.3 181.3 184.0 189.9 193.0

Class Interval f x fx f(x)2

157 – 162 8 159.5 1276 203522

163 – 168 7 165.5 1158.5 191731.75
169 – 174 5 171.5 857.5 147061.25
175 – 180 5 177.5 887.5 157531.21
181 – 186 7 183.5 1284.5 235705.75
187 - 192 7 189.5 1326.5 251371.75
192 – 197 1 194.5 194.5 37830.25
N= 40 ∑fX = 6985 1,224,753.96

Range: Number of Classes: Class Size:

R = TV – LV K = 1 + 3.322 log N C = R/K
= 193 – 157 = 1 + 3.322 log 40 = 36 / 6
R = 36 = 1 + 5.32 C=6
= 6.29
A. Mean

Σfx 6985
XG = = = 174.625
N 40

Sample Variance:

2 n(Σf(x) 2 ) - ( Σ fx )2 40 ( 1224753.96 ) - ( 174.625 )2

s G = =
n ( n-1 ) 40 ( 4 0 -1 ) NOTE:
48 , 990 ,158.4 - 30 , 493.89 48, 959Assume
, 664.51 µ G = X G (174.625)
= =
40( 39 ) 1 ,560
s G = 31 ,384.40

Population Variance:
2 Σf(x ) 2 2
σ G = - µG
1224753.96 2
= - 174.625
=30618.849 – 30493.89
σ G = 124.96

Standard Deviation

Sample Standard Deviation:

sG = √s 2

sG = √31384.40
s G = 177.16

Population Standard Deviation:

σG = √σ 2

σG = √ 124. 96
σG = 11 .18

a. How many students are considered short if we considered the above 25% of the
height as the minimum height?
36 x 25% = 9
157 + 9 = 166
The total number of students considered short is 12.

b. How many of your classmates are in the height between 40% to 60%?
36 x 40% = 14.4
36 x 60% = 21.6 The total number of students whose heights are between
40% to 60% is 7.
157 + 21.6 = 178.6
157 + 14.4 = 171.4

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