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1. To find components of vectors from magnitude and direction.
2. To find magnitude and direction of vectors from components.
3. To add and subtract vectors both graphically and using components.
B. Apparatus
1. For the simulation devise, please visit to the PhET website:
C. Pre-Lab Tasks
1. Study and familiarize with the button and its functions of this Phet Simulation.
2. Explain the definition of Vector Addition
D. Introduction

Two quantities which are normally introduced together are Scalars and Vectors. Scalar quantity
has magnitude only. Examples of scalar quantities are: 10 apples, 9 bananas, 12 and 3000 C, etc.
Vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. Examples of vector quantities are: travel 12 km
due north, 3 m due east, cycling at 5 km/h due west, force of 25N acting in a southeast direction,
etc. In Figure 1 below, vector B has magnitude represented by its length; arrowhead represents its
head which points in the direction of the vector; and it has a tail or start point.
E. Procedures
PART 1 – Exploring one dimensional vector
A- Vector Addition
Click ‘Explore 1D’.

1. On right side of screen, click ‘Values’, ‘grid’ and ‘ ‘ for horizontal plane or X –
2. Drag a vector, which is not completely horizontal or completely vertical one

a)What are the values of Rx = 5.0 Ry = 0.0

θ = 0.0 |R| = 5.0
3. Drag this second vector so that its tail is touching the tip of the first vector.
4. For your SUM vector,
a)What are the values of Rx = 10.0 Ry = 0.0
θ = 0.0 |R| = 10.0
5. For your SUM vector, how was Rx determined? Calculate it yourself and show your

= Rx can be determined by using formula :

R x =R x ⃗a+R x ⃗b

R x =5.0+5.0

R x =10.0
6. Extend one of the vectors on grid by clicking on it and dragging.

7. Check ‘Sum’ on right to determine resultant sum of 1D vectors.

=The resultant sum is 15.0
8. Click ‘eraser’ symbol below grid to clear grid.
9. Click on ‘ ‘ to get vertical plane or Y - axis vectors.
10. Repeat steps 2 through 7 above.
11. Drag a vector, which is not completely horizontal or completely vertical one

a)What are the values of Rx = 0.0 Ry = 5.0

θ = 90.0 |R| = 5.0
12. Drag this second vector so that its tail is touching the tip of the first vector.

13. For your SUM vector,

a)What are the values of Rx = 0.0 Ry = 10.0
θ = 90.0 |R| = 10.0
14. For your SUM vector, how was Ry determined? Calculate it yourself and show your work.

= Ry can be determined by using formula :

R y =R y ⃗d +R y ⃗e
R y =5.0+5.0
R y =10.0
15. Extend one of the vectors on grid by clicking on it and dragging.

16. Check ‘Sum’ on right to determine resultant sum of 1D vectors.

=The resultant sum is 11.0

Figure 1. Phet Simulation of Vector Addition

B- Vector component
1. Drag a vector into the grid and adjust it to have an angle of about 60°.

a) What does Rx represent?

=It represent vector parallel to horizontal plane(x-axis)
b) What does Ry represent?
=It represent vector parallel to vertical plane(y-axis)
c) What does θ represent?
=It represent the angle
d) What does |R| represent?
=It represent the magnitude of the vector
2. Why does the vector have an arrowhead? What does that arrowhead indicate?
=The vector have an arrowhead because it show the line segment for the vector and it goes
on and on. The arrowhead indicate the direction of the vector.
3. Grab the middle of the vector and drag it around the grid.

a) As you drag the vector around the grid, does its length change?
=No.The length stayed the same.
b) Does its direction change?
=No.The direction is unchanged
c) Do Rx and Ry change?
=No.Both Rx and Ry stayed the same.
d) Is it the same vector no matter where it sits if it has the same length
and direction?

=Yes,it is the same vector because both length and dircetion is

4. Reshape your first vector so that it is completely horizontal.
a) What are the values of Rx = 6.0 Ry = 0.0
θ = 0.0 |R| = 6.0
b) Explain why these values make sense for a horizontal vector.
=The values make sense because for a vector to be horizontal, Ry needed to be 0,
so the vector is parallel to the x-axis and the angle needed to be 0 to indicate
the vector is placed at the plane with no angle.
5. Drag another vector into the grid. Reshape it so it is completely vertical. Move that
vector so that the tail of the arrow is touching the tip of the other vector on your screen.

a) What are the values of Rx = 0.0 Ry = 7.0

θ = 90.0 |R| = 7.0
b) Explain why these values make sense for a vertical vector.
=For vector to be vertical,the angle must be 90 degree, to show that it's
perpendicular with the x-axis and the value of Rx must be 0, so it show that the
vector is parallel to (y– axis) and does not have value for x-component
6. Draw what you see on the screen TO SCALE in the box.

Scale 1 : 2

|Ry| = 7.0
��= 90.0°

|Rx| = 6.0
7. Click on the “Sum” button. A new vector appears on your screen. Drag it so that the tail
of the new vector is at the tail of the vector from #1.

a) For the SUM vector find: Rx = 6.0 Ry = 7.0

θ = 49.4 |R| = 9.2
b) Explain why these values make sense for the sum of the first two vectors.
=These values make sense for sum of the first two vectors because when finding
sum for Rx the two value of Rx from each vector is added. Since, the vertical Rx
value is 0, only the horizontal Rx value is equal to the sum for Rx. This is also the
same for finding the sum for Ry, in which the horizontal Ry value is 0 and the
vertical Ry is equal to sum Ry.
8. Draw the new vector TO SCALE on your drawing in #6. How was the value for |R|

Scale 1 : 2


|Ry| = 7.0

��= 49.4° |Rx|=6.0

By using Pythagoras Theorem :

∣R∣=√ ((R x )2+(R y )2)

∣R∣=√ ((6.0)2+(7.0)2)

∣R∣=√ (36.0+49.0)

∣R∣=√ (85.0)


9. How was the value for θ determined?

Calculate it on your own to verify the computer’s result. SHOW ALL YOUR WORK!
= By using tangent eqution : tan (θ)=
R y =7.0
R x =6.0
tan (θ)=
θ=tan−1 ( )

10. Does the method you used work for all triangles? If not, what special type of
triangles does this method work for?

=No this method does not work for all triangles.This method work when given a right
triangle where one of the angle is 90 degree.
11. Clear all of your vectors. Create a new vector that is not completely horizontal or vertical.

a) What are the values of Rx = 5.1 Ry = 10.9

θ = 65.0 |R| = 12.0
b) Explain why these values make sense for this vector.
=These value make sense because the value of Rx (x-axis) and Ry (y-axis) are
both equal to the length of the vector that parallel to the axis(x – axis and y – axis).
12. What type of triangle is made by the vector and its components?
a) Draw TO SCALE what you see on the computer screen on your own page.

Scale 1 : 2


Ry = 10.9

Rx =5.1
��= 65.0°
=The type of triagle made is a right-angle triangle.
F. Conclusion
Conclude your findings. The student must be completed the instruction in this activity
and write a complete report. Please attach the graph that you plot in this activity.
=In conclusion, Vector-addition is an operation where we add two or more vectors to
obtained a vector sum. We do this by using the parallelogram law where if we place
two vectors so they have the same initial point, and then complete the vectors into a
parallelogram, then the sum of the vectors is the directed diagonal that starts at the
same point as the vectors. From this activities, the use of Phet Simulation helps in n
adding vector manually and graphically by using head to tail method.Where we place
the tail of the second vector at the head of the first vector and the resultant vector is
drawn from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. Also, help in
finding the magnitude and direcion much easier.This will help the students to achieve
the objectives in finding the components of vector from magnitude and direction and
vice verca.

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