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Out of the four sister in the Little Women, perhaps the most I can relate to is Beth March.

is the most introverted of the whole family and struggles with her shyness. Instead of going out,
she prefers staying in with the company of Hannah or her kittens. Also, Beth has a fear of
standing out, thus showing insecurity. For instance, she had to drop out of school due to fear
of public speaking. I think I share a similar trait with her: shyness and insecurity in terms of my
personality. I’ve been told that I’m a very private person who struggles fitting in with people my
age. I tend to be oversensitive and jump to ridiculous conclusions in social situations: I also
prefer solitude, I hate spending time with big crowds in noisy environments. Instead, I prefer
being close to nature and I consider myself an animal person rather than a people person.

Despite her weaknesses, she shows extreme care and support to her family. Like me, I like
helping my love ones reaching their goals, e.g. I practice Spanish with mom and I enjoy giving
pieces of advice to the ones who struggle mentally.

Beth is a music lover who fell in love with piano. I have played piano throughout my entire life
as a hobby.

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