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1. Does the creator of the cartoon think that we should be involved in the conflict between
Cuba and Spain?
This picture symbolizes the American happiness right after the US's independence, after
tons of sacrifice and bloodshed. Therefore, they find themselves facing nostalgia when it
comes to the Cuban independence. Thus, I'm sure the creator will adapt a similar mindset
and step in Cuba's independence.
2. Based on what you learned in the lesson, what is the cartoon saying about the war?
According to the picture, which involves celebration, freedom, and happiness right after
independence, I would put it in this way: it's through sacrifice, determination and a positive
mindset of never losing hope that we eventually reach freedom. Sometimes, risk must be
taken to achieve a certain goal and allow a dream to come true.
3. After seeing this cartoon, how would you feel about the war as an American?
As an American that took part in the struggle to independence, I would most likely feel
stronger as well as the urge to step in to help Cuba reach its well-deserved independence.
Because I would feel connected to the Cubans' mindset, therefore, I would help the more
vulnerable to accomplish their dream.

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