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Inglés Tecnico

Guía Didáctica - Repaso para la primera parcial.

- Luz Maria Durañona Arévalo (Bioquímica) Y31196

- Regina Penayo Nuñez (Química y Farmacia) Y31214
- Milagros Azul Gimenez cabral (Q. Industrial) Y27376
- Luanda Camilli Aguayo Bueno (Bioquímica) Y30924
- Liz Morel (Bioquímica) Y29527
- Jhoana Maribel Benitez Fleitas (Bioquímica) Y34069
- Oliver Cristaldo López (Q. Industrial) Y29844


Efore embarking on our metabolic journey, let us take an overview of Bcarbohydrates, one of the
four major classes of biomolecules. We have already considered the other three-proteins, nucleic
acids, and lipids. Carbohydrates are aldehyde or ketone compounds with multiple hydroxyl groups.
They make up most of the organic master on earth because of their multiple roles in all forms of
life. First, carbohydrates serve as my lores, furls, and metabolic intermediates. Starch in plants and
ghogen in animals are polysaccharides that can be rapidly mobilized to yield glucose, u prime fuel
for the generation of energy. ATP, the univer sal currency of free energy, is a phosphorylated sugar
derivative, as are many coenzymes Second, ribose and deoxyribose sugars form part of the
structural fark of RNA and DNA. The conformasional flexibility of these sugar rings is important in
the storage and expression of genetic information. Third, polysaccharides are structural elements
in the call rolls of baderia and plants, and in the assheletons of arthropods. In fact, cellulose, the
main constituent of plant cell walls, is one of the most abundant organic compounds in the
biosphere. Fourth, carbohydrates are linked to many prosp. For example, the sugar units of
glycophorin, an integral membrane protein, give red blood cells a highly polar anionic cont

Opening Image Sracture of prote-bearing protein. The d gorde projets from the fore of the Four
kinds of carboy wit Nantyguine (polls), annuse (g), Juror (nd), and lase (orange)- pin this bel chain.
The algaerride chain is attacked to un asperge (b) of the protein ID from the Shen, H. Li, N Shams
Scietur 2541991) 623

Exercise 1


-let us take an overview of Bcarbohydrates

-is a phosphorylated sugar derivative, as are many coenzymes Second, ribose and deoxyribose
sugars form part of the structural fark of RNA and DNA

-an integral membrane protein, give red blood cells a highly polar anionic cont

Exercise 2

Personal pronouns

-We have already considered the other three-proteins,nucleic acids,and lipids

-They make up most of the organic master on earth

-It is one of the most abundant organic compulounds in the biosphere

Exercise 3

1-Carbohydrates are aldehyde or ketone compounds with multiple hydroxyl groups.

1- carbohydrates are not aldehyde or ketone compounds with multiple hydroxyl groups.

1- Are carbohydrates aldehyde or ketone compounds with multiple hydroxyl groups?

2-Starch in plants and ghogen in animals are polysaccharides that can be rapidly mobilized to yield

2- starch in plants and ghogen in animals aren’t polysaccharides that can be rapidly mobilizes to
yield glucose.

2- Are starch in plants and ghogen in animals polysaccharides that can be rapidly mobilized yield

3-The algaerride chain is attached to an asperger.

3- The algaerride chain isn't attached to an asperger

3- Is the algaerride chain attached to an asperger?

4- the univer sal currency of free energy, is a phosphorylated sugar derivative.

4- the universal currency of free energy, isn’t a phosphorylated sugar derivative.

4- Is the universal currency of free energy a phosphorylated sugar derivative?

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