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Eli Julien Group Call

Steps to implements and

Dialogue too use

How do we get people into our FB group?

How do we connect with people on our friends list on Facebook.
How do we utilize all that free marketing that we have around us?

Ask them questions about where they are what's going on?

 if they have a need,
 If they're resistant,
 have a conversation
 be the point of contact, to set them up to be sold.

What are your daily tasks?
How do you structure your day? Like when people come into the group?
What do you message them?
What exactly are you doing?

Focus my highest leverage activities
What are the things that I need to knock down from the top of the list down to the bottom in
order without getting distracted by what else is happening

Do you have some kind of tracking system that identifies people and marks people within your

I use pepper, But we also use Active Campaign.

So any conversation that I've had that's gone beyond one or two questions, I track them in
Active Campaign.

 I put their name

 and if I know what kind of program they fit for,
 I put the value of that on the end.

The goal is:
How do we decrease their pain of buying and increase their pain of not buying?
One way we decrease their pain of buying is with a guarantee.
And to increase certainty attached to your thing.

You're using the Facebook group to generate leads?

Are you doing anything outside of Facebook group?

Two parts.
One is -- welcome message-- people inside the Facebook group.
 just telling people where to get information
 to add me so I can get them to training,
 and then tagging everybody who is who's new to the group,
 and the last welcome post.

 They join the group,
 they get tagged in this welcome post,
 take some of the leads, and you engage each person in messenger.

1. I'll approve them
2. and immediately add them as a friend
3. and send them a message.
So that's my first opportunity to engage them

The welcome post as act as a second opportunity to engage them (because they may not have
seen my message)

Send them a message
“Hey, welcome to the group. It's awesome to have you.
my role inside the group is to make sure our members in our community feel supported and get
access to our best trainings.
Are you open to answering a few questions about your business, so that I can make sure you're
seeing the best trainings that are gonna be relevant for you?”
Almost everybody replies to that if they see the message, they're all responding.

Some people will just open up, some people may not answer.
“I'm curious, like, what are you trying to get out of being in this group? What, what brought you

Here's the process the chain of events,
Posting on your wall,
Having a two-step, which we engage people where they comment or whatever. From there, we're able
to engage them in messenger

So usually, the first question I'll ask them is
“So give me a bit of background information on your business, you know, what's your story,
and, you know, if you've got clients, tell me a little bit about what you offer your clients?

Better than::
“What's your offer? What's your pricing?

The next question:
“What's your main focus right now, in your business? You know, what are you working for?”

You want to be purposely ambiguous
What's your biggest focus right now?
Instead of the “usual question:
“What's your biggest challenge right now?”

Or if speaking to someone that's a little bit more sophisticated (making already $10-20-30K +):
“Is it more clients more revenue more time, in your schedule, all of the above lol”

And if they're hustling, then it's like

“all of the above”

more sophisticated people are sold differently than really brand new people.
So the situational awareness, or the sensory acuity acute sensitivity, to recognize
 how this person is? How do you think you notice that?
 Do you look at their Facebook page?
 Do you can just tell they're successful?
 How what makes you be able to determine if they're sophisticated or not?

Their Facebook profiles give some indication, I can see if they've got a Facebook group and the size of
that group.

So you actually look at and observe
Facebook group size,
 are they getting lots of comments and like,
 are they getting lots of engagement on their or their on their organic Facebook posts?
That's, that's a big indicator

Do not have assumptions about people.
 be inquisitive / be curious
what's the story behind the picture on Facebook

Where do you typically go from here?
What's, what's kind of your process here?

The conversation can go a multitude of ways,
If they say:
“Right now I'm focusing on, I just need, I'm trying to hire some people, because I just need more
time back in my schedule
So that kind of lead this question down a conversation down a different path.

My goal is to FIND / picking up on a couple of bottlenecks that they're happening, that I can tag them in
trainings that are relevant to that.

What I'm trying to identify is, # one,

 Do they recognize the bottlenecks that they have in their business (that are preventing
them from getting to where they want to go)?
 And that we can help them solve them?
That's one key qualifying framework that I need to figure out before I booked them onto a call.

How do you get to the core of that question? How do you how do you get them there?

So that might come out of that first question. If I don't get anything there
“okay, so what is it ultimately, that you're working towards?”
“What are some non monetary goals? Or what are some non monetary things that you're
working towards?
What do you want your business to allow you to do?”

Or I might say something along the lines of,

“What's your driver? not necessarily, financially unless that's what drives you.”
and then they'll tell me
“What is it you you're working towards, with this business? Like, what why do you do what you

Eli (it’s like saying)

What are you looking to accomplish?
“It looks like you've had a lot of success.
What's kind of what's next? What's kind of the next step in your progress?
So that's a leading question. I acknowledge them, and I'm leading them.

Okay, about how close are you to that now?

What do you kind of think could be in the way?

And if they write a lot, they're ready, if they're one word, answer, more softeners back up.

(So far)
 Picking up bottlenecks,
 Tag them with specific training.
“Okay, well, so what exactly are you working towards?
What are some non monetary things you're looking at accomplished?
And what can be in the way?”
and then from there, where does it typically go?

And so at that point my focus is, do we have a training that can help them?

At that point, I'm trying to add value as early as possible.
‘Well, we do have a training that, highlights that outlines the exact process that we use to hire
our team, the same process, we teach our clients that allows them to go from you know, 10 k to
30k, 40-50 k per month, would that be valuable for you?

I don't stop there and say,

“Okay, let's revisit this when we you know, when you've watched it”
because people people's schedules are busy right there. And our trainings are long. Some of them are
30-40 minutes. I want to keep engaging them while I still got them in the conversation.

 One is I want to add value.
 The second thing is, I want to make sure they are coachable.
I don't want to get somebody on the call with PD if they're not going to be coachable.

Next step really is just digging into the urgency.

“So help me understand I am a bit I'm curious, like, is XYZ (desire/wants/needs) is this a “NOW”
sort of thing or, you know, kind of two, three months?

And if they say, two, three months from now, then I might dig into,
 cost of inaction

Eli / Deb question

 What's provided within the free video?

Will has a Facebook group, there's a bunch of units with lots of free training there, they have a ton of
free training.
 they give away, the morning formula of Taylor Welch,
 you guys could have free resources,
 Chris has done on marketing, parts of free seminars.
 ideally, your stuff or other people's stuff, things that you would share,
 or it could even be like a module from one of your courses, it could be a mindset thing,

They give that away a lot provides a lot of value. And then they follow up people, you get value, more
reciprocity there.

Eli / Deb question

How do you find out if they're coachable?

Are they responsive to the insights that you share?
Are they responding:
“I don't need any of this…”
Then you can, you can kind of probe that a little bit.

But look if they are:

 If they're responsive to that training
 if they're engaging with the training,
 and they're implementing
If they're like,
“Oh, my God, this stuff works!”
Then, you know, okay, this person, that's going to be a good fit.

And so what is the process specifically?
 What exactly do you say to get them on the phone?
 What's that conversation?

I want to set them up that they're getting on a call
(a lot of people sort of set it up to have like a sort of free strategy call. That's, that's what I used to do)

But now I sort of a little bit more direct about it,

 They realize that they have bottlenecks in the business,
 They like our process.
 And the position that I lead with is that I'm not trying to tie them down emotionally.
I'm basically saying to them,

“You know, ultimately, Facebook ads work, cold DM’s work, our process of authentic attraction,
and (SLS?) enrollment works, right, they all work. At the end of the day, if you're going to invest
in a coach, if you're going to invest in a program,
 invest in the process,
don't invest in the promise of what's going to be the outcome of working with us, but invest in
the process, because at the end of the day, at some point, you're going to stop working with us
if you do end up coming in.
And if you don't love the process that you're learning, it's never going to sustain and you're
going to hate your business.

So if you align with the process that we're teaching, you've watched our training, you know, are
you is that resonating with you? Does it align with you? If yes, then, you know, let's hop on a
call is to figure out whether this is going to be a good fit for you.
If no, like no worries, you know, feel free to stay in the group, watch the free training. If you want
to go do cold DM’s or Facebook ads, that's totally cool. That works. You know, there are plenty
of other coaches that do that. But if you align with our process, then, you know, let's get you on
a call with PD and let's see if this is going to be a good fit for you.”

At that point where they realize

 the bottlenecks that they have,
 they realize that we can help them
 they've aligned with the process.
 They've got the value from all the free trainings and
 they have the money,
then they're going to jump on a call

Typical bottlenecks
1. not having a client acquisition or
2. Enrollment processes working for them.
(Perfect for the $8k program)
3. they just don't have the team system or process for really scaling up
they're sort of stuck at like 10 15-20K
(Perfect for the $36k program)

They got 2 different programs depending on people’s needs.
$8,000 and a $36,000 program.
 Sales and enrollment conversation / needing more leads and all that, that's $8k program,

if somebody's already got that,

but they don't have a team,
 Fitpro, CEO, business owner, that's like a $3,000 a month program ($36k).

“if we could show you how to, XYZ, you know, build a team, come out from underneath your
business, (Use the language that they've been using in your conversation with you)
is that something you'd be open to discussing?”

I'll give a little bit of primers about what's included in the program,
 the one to one time with Will
 we have a content and copy coach,
 the FB Community,
 The $100k guarantee
all of these things kind of like built into the program.

“Is that something you're open to? Are you open to that, to hopping on a call with with PD to
see if it's going to be awesome?

I'm usually not saying that unless I'm pretty sure they're gonna say yes.

For the $8,800

And that is really focused on
 Helping people dial in the systems
 and the processes for authentic attraction and effortless enrollment.
So that's essentially teaching them the exact process that we use.
“Do you see how natural this conversation has been? To you getting onto a call?”

And PD does the same thing on the sales call

“Do you see how I'm not tying you down emotionally?, I'm helping you make a logical business
decision. Because at the end day, you are a business owner, you do not need to be making an
emotional decision. It needs to make logical sense for where you want to take your business.”

And there and so they start to really resonate with that. And it's like,
“well, that's exactly what we teach you inside the program.

And so for the higher level program ($36k), it's like,

“well, what was your experience like with dealing with us?
Did it feel pushy with the set up?
“ no, was it felt natural, and he got me on to the call”
“Great because we will help you hire the setters, train them to do exactly the same thing for you
in your business.”

Question (about free content)

Is there any ever any fear of giving away too much?

the value of the program is
 In the coaching and the mentorship
 and holding people's feet to the fire by calling them out on their bullshit when it's needed,
 and really holding them accountable.

there's your plan,
 your process,
 support along the way,
 accountability
 and community.

But essentially,
 people are joining the Facebook group,
 they'll have paid ads and free,
 they have a system to engage people.
 So if it's your personal profile, or your Facebook group, a way to engage strangers,

 give them some value as the non weird questions.
And if they're a fit, let them know about the next step in the process.

Biggest factor that have led to the success of Wills group?

They're been bombarding the group bombarding the group with results, results, results results,
 But key is they're super consistent.
 Add tons of value.
 They build a really active engaged community,
 And they're going to process to warm people cold people up by asking them really connected
non weird questions,
 giving them free value,
 and if it's a fit, offering them to have a session with them.
and also saying modeling the process:

“Hey, you know, how did you feel about your conversation with Julian? Was it weird? Well,
yeah, that's kind of that's our process. It shouldn't be emotional. It should be logical.”
Now. They're thinking this is different.

“If you're a business owner, we want to teach you the logical aspects of Your business, and
what it means to be like a CEO, your fitness business, not scrambling doing all these things, but
you need to build a team that's gonna allow you to this, if you like, we can show you that
process if you're open to it.

$36K Offer
We have a lot of calls for, like 30 minutes on a 36 k offer.
Because people
 are the decision makers at that point,
 they've invested in themselves before.

$8K offer
 that can sometimes be the first big investment they've made,
 or it's one they've made after being burned in another program.
 And then they're a little bit suspicious of any other coach.

Addressing finances
hey, would it be valuable for you to get a clients perspective on what it's like working with us?

Would it be useful for me to connect you with a current client? to get a client's perspective on
what it's like inside our coaching environment?
And specifically around finances

I'll just be very direct to them.

 Don't be weird about money.

First be ambiguous.
So where's your business at? and about how's that doing for you financially each month?
Like, are you on track to hit your goals?
What's been your best month?

Did everybody get that? it's like a pretty big deal.

 On your sales calls, before I make an offer, I always know how much money they have.

I always make sure that before they get on the call, I know that they can make the investment

“if you a good way to kind of open up with that is, you know, if you get on a call with us, and
you decide you want to work with us, it's a 10 out of 10 for you can see clearly how working with
us is going to get you to x,

you could either lead with

“How much are you prepared to invest to get started in your, in yourself and in your business?

Are you in a position to invest 2-3k to get started to make that happen?
I'll be very direct with them. Or if it's the hard one, you know, see that

I'm just curious if you were to find a way that you could without having to do that. I mean, would
it make sense for you to begin at least looking at how you could implement that?
Yeah, it was all the softeners.

Well, I'm just curious, like, if you were to find a way that you could get what you're looking for,
without having to do that and do it relatively quickly. Would you be open to at least look at some
ways that we could get that moving for you to get you moving in that direction. If, if that's the
direction you want to go in.

“Would you at least be kind of open to… (kinda open, at least)

Would make even just a little bit of sense to begin the process of just so you can get moving in
that direction. If you If this is actually something that you're thinking you want right now, so that
you don't have to deal with that anymore. And you can start having that is that.
I mean, does that feel like that that could be something that could actually help you.

Question Nick
Do we have a mindset specialist?
Yeah, we do. So we have a weekly call with a mindset specialist to do the coaching calls,
because that is a huge component of what we do.
 a lot of breath work,
 different sessions,

 within that mindset training with that always gets a really great response from everybody in the

High level programs if you have one.

So this is for the $36,000 program,

 a mindset coach,
 a copy coach,
 the structure of the video course.
 PD on sales coaching every week (more than one)
 a Facebook ads coach
 a setter training (Will and Julian)

So there's Almost everyday a training inside that program

if you want to build like a $36K program, it's like a lot coaching is
a plan
a process.
and a support along the way.

And you can even give a lot of that away.

 They're gonna want the connection,
 the community,
 the accountability,
 The coaching.
 And that's why their thing is blown up.
 And then they're consistently marketing wins. Consistently congratulating people.

So that's, that's really powerful.

How do we get the right kind of people into your FB group?
So there's a couple of different ways right there,
the two steps on Will's profile,?
“Who hasn't got my XYZ?

So engaging in conversations

For example, for the fitpro SEO program,

They've got to have some sort of level of established presence on Facebook
Sometimes they might be more active on Instagram or elsewhere,
but it's a bit hit and miss

At the end of day, it just comes from having conversations,

 just make sure you're having conversations every day.
 And qualifying them,
 adding people add people to your environment,
 have conversations with them on a call like that.

Adding people to the FB group:
I personally add people to the Facebook group
And most people are open to that

when you do invite somebody to the group
What's that process specifically?

Sometimes I just have a message.
“Hey, I can see that you're an online coach or personal trainer.
We have this group that, focus on adding a ton of value in XYZ.
I thought you might be interested in joining it. Here's the link. If not, no worries.
I sent you an invite, just in case you're interested, I hope to see you inside the group.

Non pressured, like, feel free to hop in, you don't have to,
 they see all the value, all the testimonials, all the engagement.
And then most people are jumping in.

There's a system, things that are done before the sales call (touchpoints)
 free marketing with engagement,
 not being weird,
 having authentic conversations with people
 not using scripts.
 Will/Julian/PD are focused on being curious, being inquisitive, with presence, and really finding
out what's good for him/her (the prospect).

And one of the main selling points was,

“hey, this shouldn't be emotional, should be logical. Does this make sense for you.

And then driving people to these authentic conversations

having more than tracking,
taking notes,
Active Campaign, whatever it is, and all that.

Will went from 30 k in April a month to a million in September


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