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Nombre: Matrícula:

Jorge Enrique Espinoza Gómez AL02999973

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor: Luis Enrique

Sánchez Ramos
Ingles 3

Módulo: Tarea: 9

Fecha 08/10/2022

Activity objective:
To practice the use of conditional type 2
Activity requirements:
Use of: Conditional type 2 (If + past simple … would + base form)
Student instructions:
READING: Read the following e-mail.
Hi, Robin
How are you? I’m doing really well but I’m kind of confused, and as you’re one of my
smartest friends, I wanted to ask for advice. As you know, I finish high school in a
couple of months, so yesterday I went to the academic fair to see my options when
choosing a major. There are so many interesting programs! I visited all the different
At the beginning I was thinking about a health major, like Medicine, because I like to
help people, but then I thought that if I studied Medicine, I wouldn’t have a lot of free
time, so I would have to quit my piano lessons L Then, I thought, well, maybe I should
go for a B.A. in Music! But to be honest I don’t think I’d be a good musician because I
only have a year studying piano… if I thought I were a good pianist I would definitely
choose music because it is one of my passions, but I don’t think I am talented enough.
Then I thought about going to Law school, after all, I like defending people and I think

I’m an ethical person, but… what if at some point I had to defend a guilty criminal? I
don’t think I could do that
So the thing is that I’m so confused because I don’t know what to study. I like helping
people, music, I have a strong sense of justice, but I also love traveling and learning
languages… I basically like everything so I’m lost! What would you choose if you were
me? Or actually, what if I took a year off? Please, help me!!
WRITING: Answer the following questions:
-Why is Liz writing to Robin?
Because she wants Robin to help her decide what she should study or if she should
take a year to decide.
-How does Liz describe herself?
She likes helping people, music, a strong sense of justice, traveling and learning
-Intermediate and advanced students: Based on her personality traits, write an
email from Robin’s point of view answering Liz’ mail. Tell her what you would do
if you were her and why. You must suggest 3 career options. Do not forget to use
conditional type 2.
Hi, Liz!
I am doing fine! Thanks for asking! you asked the right person. If I were you, I would
choose these 3 options:
Nursery could be a good option for you because you like helping others, and it will not
take you much time, like if you study medicine.
The second option I would choose if I were you is law school because that is an
interesting career, and you have that strong sense of justice that if you were a lawyer
that would be so useful. Also, I think that you can just not take the cases from guilty
criminals, so you do not feel bad.
My last recommendation is tourism because I know that you like traveling and learning
languages, so you would enjoy studying for that career.

-On her email, she also mentions taking a year off. Give your opinion about it in
your writing and suggest a couple of things she could do while
Also, I think that taking a year is what you should do right now.

Taking your time to decide like that is important, it will help you a lot and that way you
make sure you do not make a mistake in what you choose.

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