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H.R. Textile Mills Limited

Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended 3oth June 2O2O

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Particulars Notes . 30/06/2019

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Cash Flows from Operating Activities: ,'l

Cash received from Sales and export incentives r 2;229,105,781 2,174,809,317
Receipts from Other lncome , ' 365;400 961,840
Cash paid for goods and services (2,256,601;300) (2,187,442,519)

Cash from operation

'._(27i'130,1 (11,671 ,362)

lnterest paid (r45,846,q74) (126,s46,049)

lncome-tax paid/deducted at sources (10,659,82
:ilif?lft3] 1 )

Net Cash used in operating activities (186;566,506) (148,877,232)

Cash Flows from lnvesting Activities:

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment 4&5 tGgrl3rr6ql
Net Cash used in investing activities (582,?3?,264) (307,650,452)
1". ., .

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:

Bank Overdraft Received/(Repaid)
l 23,81e,736
Long-term Loans Received/(Repaid) sorrro4rsl
Time Loan Received/(Repaid)
| 167,24e,038|
Bills Receivable Discounted Received/(Repaid)
I tri,roo,rozt I
Current Maturity of Long-term Loans (3e,320,r76)
Cash Dividend Paid
| I

| (66,048,e08) I

Net Cash inflow from financing activities ,. 774,41A,W1

Net increase{decrease) in cash and bank balances 5,611233
Opening Cash and Bank balances 24,770;3\2
Effects ofexchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

Cash.rnd Bank balances at closirrcl -Nure

_ 129,555
Net operating cash flows per share (NOCFPS) (7.37)

The annexed notes from 1 to 45 and Annexure-A form an integral part ofthese financial statements.

Dr. M.A Moyeen
Chairman fu*mmr Mr. A Monlen
Mr. Md. Wali Ull;h
Company Secretary

I 8 H. R. Textile Mil ls ti mitb,il i$i1,,$:r::l::tiliiffi$ffiS lhylt;i*

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