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Identify the chambers of heart?

Describe the position of the heart?

Identify the various layers of pericardium?

What forms the upper border of the heart(superior)?

What forms the right border of the heart?

What forms the left border of the heart?

What forms the lower border of the heart? (inferior)

Identify the structure shown in the picture? what passes through it? what is it function?

Which chambers forms the sternocostal surface?

Which chambers forms the Diaphragmatic (inferior)surface?

Which chambers forms the Base surface(posterior)?

Describe the position of the Apex of the heart?

Identify the structure in number 1? What is it function? What lies inside it?

What are the 3 structures open into Right Atrium?

Describe special features of Right Atrium?

What are the structures that open into Left Atrium?

Describe special features of Left Atrium?

Describe the special features of heart ventricles?

What are the 4 valves in the heart? And their location? Special structures attached to it?

From where RT and LFT coronary artery are arising?

Base of the ascending aorta
What are the branches of ascending aorta?
Rt and lt coronary artery

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