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Describing people’s appearance

We describe people all the time. For example, you might tell your friends what
your boss is like. Even outside of everyday conversations, it’s very useful to know how
to describe people. Descriptions are used a lot in books, in articles and in other kinds of
communication in English. Reading or hearing a description of someone can give you a
better idea of what they look like or act like.
Descriptions are also useful in the business world, often crucial to conversations and
presentations at work.
Here’s a list of adjectives to describe a person’s physical appearance with example
 attractive – pleasing or appealing to the senses. (She is a very attractive woman.)

 blonde – fair or pale yellow. (She has blonde hair)

 chubby – Plump and rounded (The boy has chubby cheeks.)
 cute – appealing in a pretty or endearing way. (Look at that cute baby.)
Being Polite - Some ways of describing people are polite and respectful. For example,
saying someone is full-bodied or curvy is nicer than saying that they are fat. However, if
you have to think of a nicer way to say something, maybe it’s better not to say it at all.
Describing someone’s mannerisms - Many people have mannerisms that appear when
they’re feeling negative (bad) emotions. Sometimes people don’t even notice that
they twirl their hair around their finger.
Describing someone’s feelings – There are so many ways to say that someone
is happy! We all feel like we have too much to deal with sometimes. This can make
us stressed and anxious. Did the person you’re describing get enough sleep last night? If
not, they might look tired or worn out. If someone looks like they’re not interested in
what’s going on around them, they might seem bored. People’s feelings are always
changing. You always know how you feel, but it isn’t always easy to tell how someone
else is feeling.
You can look at how someone is speaking or even how they’re sitting to understand
how they feel.34
 Describing someone’s appearance:
 To describe someone’s height, you can say they are tall or short.
 Light, yellowish hair can be described as blonde.
 If someone dresses well, they are smartly dressed or they look smart.
 Besides what color someone’s hair is, you also can say they are short-
haired or long-haired. 
Today, more than ever, we live in a world where our appearances have become very
important. But, unfortunately, outer beauty, or appearance, is something that can be
faked. There ar3e various ways for a person to appear attractive, but inner beauty cannot
be faked.  Sometimes, outer beauty is important – for instance, in fashion shows. In
beauty pageants, contestants need beauty and an upbeat personality. It will be difficult
for them to win the title if they have negative personalities.
However, inner beauty, our personality, attitude, and behavior toward other people, is
the only thing that will remain with us till our last breath. Even after we are gone,
people will remember us for our behavior, kindness, and professionalism.
Your physical appearance is important as it can significantly change your personal and
professional life. However, it can make you feel insecure in many situations, regardless
of how comfortable you feel in your skin.
The clothes we wear are a representation of our style and personality. However, due to
financial reasons or lack of resources, many people don’t choose clothes based on their
looks. It’s all too easy to get caught up in what society considers attractive. Maybe
you’re not happy with your physical appearance, but it’s probably because of the ideals
you see in people on their best days. 
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s Hair:
She has long hair. He has short hair. She has straight hair. He has curly hair. She has
wavy hair. She has blonde hair.
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s Eyes:
He has big eyes. She has small eyes. He has blue eyes. She has beautiful eyes.
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s Face:
The boy has a round face. He has an oval face. He has a square face. He has a big nose.
Her nose is small. He has big ears. He has a big mouth.
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s Height:
He is very tall. He is very short. He is of average height.
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s Body:
He is fat. She is slim. He is very thin. He is skinny.
Adjectives To Describe A Person’s General Appearance:
She is so beautiful. She is very pretty. He is very handsome. The baby is very cute. The
clown looks funny. The witch looks ugly.

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