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Very thin air

Calm and stable layer
No clouds

no rains,no storms STRATOSPHERE

appropriate for No strong winds
flying Jet planes

No birds or any other living organism

present in this layer

It contains 75% of atmospheric mass Closest to Earth’s surface

The word Troposphere

Experiences maximum attraction
derived from the Greek by the core
word Tropo and it means TROPOSPHERE
turbulence or mixing.
is the densest layer

Lowest layer of Atmosphere

where all weather conditions
take place
Composed of Nitrogen 78%,Oxygen
21% and traces of other gases
Suffers pressure from upper layer

● Presence of metals like Nickel and Iron in the liquid form in

the outer core.
● Loops of currents in the constantly moving, liquid iron
create magnetic fields.

● These magnetic fields give a gravitational pull, which attracts

every object towards the Earth.

● This gravitational pull acts as a giant magnet.

RESEARCH : Why is Inner Core solid ?
1. High pressure despite very high temperature.

2. Weight of rocks above it pushes it down.

3. The molecules become so jam-packed that they can’t flow past

each other.

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