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The Phonetic Alphabet

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Schwa – it appears only in unstressed syllables. The vowel of words like

'bought', 'coffee' varies among dialects. Northeastern American varieties use this one,
called 'open o', while most Californians (esp. Southern Californians), use 'ah' . The
name schwa comes from Hebrew, which does have a symbol for this sound.
Compare the IPA with the dictionary symbol:

International Phonetic Dictionary English

Alphabet symbol Words

[s] s sit, basket, kiss

[z] z zoo,busy, buzz

[t] t top,return,cat

[d] d day,ladder,bed

[θ] th think, bathtub, mouth

[ð] th the, father

[∫] sh shoe, nation, wish

[t∫] ch chair,witch

[з] zh rouge, vision,measure

[dз] j jaw, magic, age

[j] y you, yes

[p] p pay,apple, stop

[b] b boy, rabbit, tub

[f] f fun, office, if

[v] v very, over,save

[k] k cake, car, book

[g] g go, begin, egg

[w] w we, away

[l] l lamp, pillow, bell

[r] r red, marry, car

[h] h hat, behind

[m] m me, swim

[n] n no, run

[ŋ] ŋ sing, playing

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