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Pick your niche

How to Pick Your Niche as a Freelancer

This is very simple.

Let’s start with this video that I recorded for you:

So now that you have a skill, and you know what service you’re offering, NEXT you need to know WHO
to target. That’s where your niche comes in.

But what is a niche?

Niche - a select portion of a market

I went in depth on how to pick a niche with STEP 2 of #🎁︱the-simple-steps here:

There’s no point in you trying to work within a niche you’re not interested in and know nothing about.

Don’t waste your time finding the “best” or most “trendy” niche. Start with WHAT you already are
interested in.

You pick your niche based off of what YOU are interested in.

“Dylan I still don’t know??”

Do you consume content about crypto?

Do you consume content about personal development?

Anything you consume on a daily basis is a great start.


Because you have a base line understanding of what the market wants, talks about, buys, etc.

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