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How to testimonials

Here’s what you need to know about getting testimonials…

First, watch this video that I recorded for you

As you have probably heard me say before…

When you are starting out as a freelancer, you need to gain credibly and experience...

You need proof that you can get your clients RESULTS

You need social proof.

Social proof > Every other form of marketing

One form of social proof is a testimonial.

A testimonial is another person (a client) vouching for your services, hopefully praising the phenomenal
work you did for them.

So, how do you get a testimonial?


In the beginning you will offer your service for a low price (or even free)

But here’s the

You’re not working for the money in the beginning...

You need credibility

So you provide your services to 2-3 clients for a low price/free AND a testimonial.


Your clients agreed to give you a testimonial.

But what’s the best method for them to give the testimonial?

1. The best way is a video testimonial, roughly 30 sec up to 5 minutes is a good frame of reference

2. You could have them do an audio recording (mp3)

3. A written testimonial in almost any form

Dylan, HOW do they write it?

They simply email, text, tweet, comment, etc. their testimonial (review) of your services, you then
screenshot/save the image.

Make sure to confirm with the person if they are okay with you sharing their name… if they are not,
simply black out their name and make the testimonial anonymous.

Dylan, what do I do with the 2-3 testimonials once I have them?

You will use this in your social media feeds, in DMs to prospects, etc. to demonstrate that others have
vouched for your services.

Bro, but like how long is that going to take?

Watch this:

You KNOW what to do now.

This is a VERY simple & powerful method…

So do not complicate this.

How do I show testimonials when I have no clients?

Here are some methods:

1) Your own body of work such as a Twitter account, blog, or email list

2) Offering to work for free in exchange for a testimonial

3) Doing the work for someone you want to work with and then tagging them on social media after
building some rapport

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