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Ângulos de dor para falar nos loom de 5 min [Um ângulo em cada

loom é o suficiente]:

1. Fazer loom sobre os conteúdos que publicam bastante, e explicando o que podem
fazer para melhorar

2. Loom sobre o perfil deles, e explicar que podem otimizar o perfil

3. Loom sobre a identidade visual deles

4. Loom sobre depoimentos que eles têm

5. Loom sobre a frequência de publicações

6. Loom sobre dar proveito da alta de seguidores que têm, e fazer polls

7. Loom sobre mostrar o produto/serviço deles

8. Loom sobre mostrar como é a cultura deles de trabalho

9. Loom sobre os benefícios da oferta deles que pode ser melhorada, e podem falar
mais disso, e criar conteúdo sobre isso

10. Loom fazendo sugestão da possibilidade de eles se ficarem nas vantagens que os
tornam diferentes da concorrência

11. Loom sobre como pode automatizar os processos de vendas

12. Loom sobre como podem automatizar os processos de marcação ou reserva do

serviço deles

13. Loom sobre a melhor maneira que eles podem tirar proveito do que eles fazem de
perfeito para implementar uma estrutura que atrai mais clientes de forma
automática, eficaz, previsível e barata

14. Loom sobre aproveitar a constância de seguidores e publicações para criar uma
comunidade, e importância da comunidade

The goal with the loom is to assert your authority.




Step 1: Thank them for providing you with their email address and thank them for taking
the time to watch the video. [spend less than 30 seconds on this]

● Understand that you’re trying to sell some of the busiest people on the planet
(business owners) so please take the time to thank them for watching your
video.Thank you for providing me with your email address on Instagram and
for taking the time to watch this video

Step 2: Introduce yourself and sate your headline making it clear what you do and
positioning yourself as an authority in the market

● Eu sou o Selton, um dos fundadores da IKIGAI MÍDIA

● Nos especializamos em marketing digital e trafégo pago com o foco 100% em
vendas, onde ajudamos empresas do nicho pet levando mais clientes para
○ We help entrepreneurs double their audience and sales by facilitating the
distribution of their message through Short form content and leveraging
revenue growth mechanisms to nurture and monetise their community.

Step 3: Case Studies - Why should they listen to your 5-10min video? [spend less than 2
minutes on this]

● Use one or two case studies to showcase some of the results you’ve achieved for
similar businesses - don’t spend too much time doing this, this is to be used for
them to understand that you’re talking about things you’re an expert in
● If you have any assets online that you can visit or share while you’re making the
video, do it! Anything that increases your authority should be shared.

**As promised in this video I’ll be sharing with you XYZ that can drive W outcome, but
before doing that I’d like to show you what kind of results we are able to generate for our
clients the same things I’ll be sharing with you now (**And then ***to the case studies
mentioning the before state - after state and how did you help them bridge this gap)

Step 4: Why did you decide to send THEM a personalized video [spend not more than
30 sec on this]

● Make them feel special by complimenting their attributes

● Tell them that your specialty is working with businesses in their niche - specificity
is so important

Step 5: Call to action: [less than 30 seconds here]

Se você tiver interesse em conversar mais sobre tudo isso dentro da sua empresa envie
uma mensagem para mim, e podemos marcar uma conversa sobre isso

Step 6: What is THE ONE THING - Asymmetrical returns [ spend 2 minutes-3 minutes

Option 1: Look at what they’re currently doing online and pick two or three things that
you can solve - if solved would bring them the biggest returns.

Option 2: If you’re selling a solution to something that you can’t really see from the
outside, then spend time going through the process taken to solve a specific problem
and make sure you’re relating to what the customer feels while dealing with the

● Talk about the outcome of solving the problem ( describe the desired state)

Step 7: What is their downside of not listening to your advice [spend 1-2 minutes here]

● Quickly talk about what the people in the [niche] lose out on by not solving that
problem and talk about what they go through.

Step 8: Invitation to a value call - NOT a sales call

● Invite them to book a call not to sell them but as an opportunity for you and them
to connect and for you to go a bit more in depth in how they can solve/implement
some new solutions!

IMPORTANT: If you make 15+ value videos and you’re still not able to get prospects to
book a call then there is an issue with the following:

1. Your offer and solution isn’t needed by your niche - So you should change it!
2. You’re being too salesy in your videos.
3. There is a lack of follow up once the email with the first loom has been sent.
4. You’re making really long videos which isn’t good as business owners don’t have
time to watch a 15-20 minutes video sales letter

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