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**–** *__lilly__* - *laylay* - *lilli*

**–** minor
**–** he/they
**–** female
**–** bi-curious
**–** gemini
**–** isfp
**–** eng/man

b4 u follow/friend
Before You Friend/Follow _!_
- I often don't really think before I say, so the things I say might sound
- I sometimes confuse your words bc I read through things quickly
- keyboard smashes is my bestie when I have no idea what to say
- I do swear almost every time
Do Not Interact _!_
If you're ...
- Podophile - Supports hateful behavior
- Racist - Supports negative actions
- Sexist - Fit the basic dni criteria
Likes _:_
- drawing/sketching
- chatting w/ friends
- gaming w/ friends
- garlic bread
- rain
- coffee
Dislikes _:_
- coloring
- being ignored
- loud noises
- hot weather
- politics
- school
- racism >:(

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