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10/20/22, 10:17 AM Formative

Y11 2022 Alpha beta gamma radiation and radioactive decay

Name: _______________________
Date: _______________________

Video URL: 1/17
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1. how many protons in the atom above


2. how many electrons in the atom above


3. how many neutrons in the atom above


Video URL: 2/17
10/20/22, 10:17 AM Formative

4. What causes the nuclei of radioactive

isotopes to be unstable.

To many or too few neutrons in the nucleus

Too many or too few electrons in atom

Too many or too few protons in the nucleus

Video URL:

Radiation means energy that is emitted

(given out) from a source and can travel
through space or a medium.

Sound is a type of radiation.

In the atomic physics topic the focus is on

radioactive nuclei and ionising radiation.
Radioactive nuclei are unstable and at
some point the nuclei will decay and when
they do they will release nuclear radiation.
Nuclear radiation is ionising radiation. (as
already stated it is energy, or particles,
emitted from the nucleus of radioactive
nuclei. If nuclei are radioactive then they
are unstable, and at some point the nuclei
will decay and release radioactive
radiation). 3/17
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Ionising radiation is radiation that can

ionise atoms. An atom can become an ion
if it loses or gains an electron.

The risk of ionising radiation is that it can

mutate cells which can lead to cancers
and tumours.

The embedded slideplayer presentation

below contains more detail on radiation
and the risks of ionising radiation.

Radiation in Everyday Life
Teo Jim Yang 3O3(26)

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5. What is meant by ionising radiation?

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6. Highlight, circle the ionising radiation in

red and the non ionising radiation in

highlight/circle the ionising radiation in red, and the non-ionising radiation in green

sound alpha
x-rays beta
gamma radiowaves microwaves
infra-red ultra-violet

For your specification you need to be

aware of the risks of ionising radiation
and of all parts of the electromagnetic

7. What is the risks / potential harm, on the

human body of microwaves?
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8. What is the risks / potential harm, on the

human body of infra-red?

9. What is the risks / potential harm, on the

human body of intense visible light?

10. What is the risks / potential harm, on the

human body of ultra-violet?

11. What is the risks / potential harm, on the

human body of gamma ray and - xrays?
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12. Explain why ionising radiation can be


Video URL:

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The outlined content above was added from outside of Formative.

Video URL:

13. What is the range in air of alpha

radiation (how far can it travel before it
is absorbed by the air)

several cm

approximately one metre

very far

14. What is the range in air of betaradiation

(how far can it travel before it is
absorbed by the air)

several cm

approximately one metre

very far 9/17
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15. What is the range in air of gamma

radiation (how far can it travel before it
is absorbed by the air)

several cm

approximately one metre

very far

16. How penetrating is alpha radiation

very weakly penetrating, is blocked by a piece of
moderately penetrating can pass through paper
and thin piece of aluminum, but blocked by lead
and concrete
highly penetrating can pass through paper and
thick pieces of aluminum, but blocked by very
thick lead and concrete

17. How penetrating is beta radiation

very weakly penetrating, is blocked by a piece of
moderately penetrating can pass through paper
and thin piece of aluminum, but blocked by lead
and concrete
highly penetrating can pass through paper and
thick pieces of aluminum, but blocked by very
thick lead and concrete 10/17
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18. How penetrating is gamma radiation

very weakly penetrating, is blocked by a piece of
moderately penetrating can pass through paper
and thin piece of aluminum, but blocked by lead
and concrete
highly penetrating can pass through paper and
thick pieces of aluminum, but blocked by very
thick lead and concrete

19. Which type of radiation is the most





20. Therefore explain why alpha would

potentially be the most harmful if it
entered inside the body
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21. Explain why alpha radiation is

potentially the least harmful outside the
body compared to beta and gamma

(Strictly speaking the it sshould be

indicated that the helium is a +2 ion).

The symbol used is the greek letter alpha 12/17
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22. Why is the charge of an alpha particle


23. Compare the difference between an

alpha particle and a helium atom.
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24. Explain why alpha is a suitable source of

radiation for use in a smoke alarm, and
include why gamma and beta are

25. Explain why alpha and gamma would be

unsuitable sources for use in a paper
mill, and why beta is suitable
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26. Explain which source of radiation would

be most suitable in a steel factory to
ensure constant thickness of sheet of
metal steel.
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27. explain which type of radiation (alpha,

beta or gamma) is the most suitable for
detecting crack/leaks in underground
pipes. Give reasons why the other
sources are unsuitable.
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28. describe why beta and alpha radiation is

unsuitable for use in sterilising
equipment (the equipment is sealed in
packaging before being sterilised)
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