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Cell Structure

2D images - dead material

What are the characteristics of a Transmission Electron
Beam of electrons = black and white images- can be
enhanced with colour.

Uses moving beam of electrons = 3D images

What are the characteristics of a Scanning Electron
shows surface detail
excellent depth of field.

1. make structures more visible

why are stains used with light microscopes?
2. enable small structures to be seen. 1/14
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Light microscopes:
1. Methylene blue
2. Iodine Solution
what are the different stains that can be used?
3. Acetic Orcein
TEMs: salts of heavy metals
SEMs: layer of heavy metal

why are salts of heavy metals used in TEMs. To deflect the beam of electrons

why is a layer of heavy metal used in SEMs? To reflect the electrons

what does Methylene blue do to the cells? Stains the nucleus dark blue and the cytoplasm pale blue 2/14
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Stains the plant cell walls orange/brown and starch grains

what does Iodine solution do to the cells?

what does Acetic Orcein do to the cells? Stains the chromosomes red.

1. All living organisms are composed of cells.

2. All new cells are derived form pre-existing cells.
what does the modern cell theory state?
3. Cells contain heredity information
4.metabolic reactions take place in cells

The total of all chemical changes that take place in an

what is Metabolism?
cell/organism 3/14
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the metabolic process that builds up larger molecules

What is Anabolism?
from smaller ones.

the metabolic breakdown of complex molecules into

what is catabolism?
simpler ones - resulting in the release of energy.

what is muticellular? many cells working together

the factor by which the image size is enlarged compared

what is magniifcation?
to the original object. 4/14
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what is the calculation of magnification? magnification= image size/ actual size

what is the calculation of magnification when using scale
length of scale bar in micrometers/
length scale bar represents in micrometers

1. the degree of detail that can be seen

what is resolution?
2. the ability to distinguish separately two small objects.

what are the two measurements that two points can be 0.2 µm apart -light microscope
resolved? 0,5 µm apart- electron microscope 5/14
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1. cheaper
2. allows colour
why are light microscopes used more widely?
3. required less expertise
4. can observe living matter

the detailed structure that is revealed with an electron

what is the ultra structure?

1. nucleus
what structures are seen in both animals and plants by a 2. mitochondria
light microscope? 3. cytoplasm
4. cell surface memebrane

what structures are only seen in animal cells? Vesicles 6/14
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1. cell wall
what structures are only seen in plant cells? 2. vacuole
3. chloroplast

1. rough ER
2. Smooth ER
what structures of the cells can only be seen by an 3. Golgi
electron microscope? 4. Cytoskeleton
5. Ribosomes
6. Plasmodesmata

A partially permeable membrane that acts as a barrier

between the inside and outside of the cell.
what is the plasma membrane? It helps regulate the cells internal composition bu
controlling the substances between the cell and its

contains the genetic information and controls all cellular

what is the nucleus?
It is surrounded by the nuclear envelope - contains nuclear
pores 7/14
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why are the nuclear pore present on the nuclear Allows movement of molecules into and out of the
envelope? nucleus.

It is a fluid where the chemical reactions of the

metabolism take place.
what is the cytoplasm?
Where the enzymes, proteins and other substances
produced and manufacture.

1. fluid
what are the three components that the cytoplasm is
2. membrane systems
made up of?
3. organelles

It is the basis of cell organisation

what is compartmentation? The division of labour.- allows cells to be split into
compartments. 8/14
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It ensures that different biochemical activities can take

what does compartmentation do?
place in different places in ideal conditions.

1. potentially harmful substances/enzymes can be

isolated- not able to damage the rest of the cell.
2. products of one reaction can bein close proximity-
what are the four advantages to compartmentation? speed up rate of reactions.
3. surface area of membranes and number of enzymes is
4. membranes can provide ion gradients.

what is the function of the nucleolus? Synthesis of ribosomes.

Threadlike structures int eh cell nucleus.

what is chromatin? represent extended form of chromosomes during
interphase. 9/14
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network of sac-like and tubular cavities formed from

what is the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)?

Rough ER has ribosomes on the outer surface.

what is the difference between Rough ER and Smooth ER?
Smooth ER has no ribosomes on outer surface.

!. Protein synthesis
what are the functions of Rough ER? 2. Transports proteins to other parts of cell.
3. Makes Golgi Apparatus

1. Site of Lipid synthesis

what are the functions of Smooth ER?
2. Synthesises steriods 10/14
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what is the Golgi Apparatus? Stack of flattened membrane sacs

1. Forms lysosomes
2. Transports and modifies materials
what are the functions of the Golgi?
3. Enzymes made in the rough ER are concentrated and
packaged into vesicles

1. outer membrane contains a folded inner membrane

2. important enzymes are attached to the inner
membrane(large surface area)
what are the characteristics of Mitochondria?
3. Matrix present inside inner membrane
4. Contains DNA
5. Self- replicating

1. Aerobic respiration
what are the functions of the Mitochondria?
2. ATP systhesis 11/14
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what is the functions of ribosomes? Site of protein synthesis

In Eukaryotic cells - 22nm

what are the sizes of ribosomes?
In prokaryotic, mitochondria cells and chloroplasts -18nm

Simple spherical sacs bound by a single membrane

what are Lysosomes?
containing hydrolytic enzymes.

1. Autophagy ( digestion of worn out cells)

2. Digestions of material ingested by phagocytoysis
what are the functions of Lysosomes? 3. Secretion of Lysosomal enzymes
4. Autolysis- release of enzymes to destroy and break
down cells. 12/14
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Photosynthesis in plants
what are the functions of chloroplasts? - Grana- light reactions
-Stroma- dark reactions

Contain DNA and are self replication

what are the characteristics of chloroplasts?
contain own ribosomes- to carry out protein synthesis

Hair like extensions.

what are Cillia and Flagella? Long= Flagella
Short= Cillia

1. 3-4 µm long
What are the characteristics of the Cillia and Flagella? 2. covered with an extension of the plasma membrane.
3. Contains microtubules 13/14
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what is the cytoskelaton made up of? Actin microfilaments and microtubules

1. provide mechanical strength to cells and holds them in

what are the functions of the cytoskeleton?
2. Aids transport
3/ Enables cell movement

Eukaryotic- larger and possess a nucleus and other

membrane bound organelles in their cytoplasm.
what is the difference between Eukaryotic cells and
Prokaryotic- first forms of life. DNA not enclosed by
Prokaryotic cells?
nuclear membrane. Do not possess any membrane bound

1. Both are single celled

2. Have cytoplasmic structure
what do Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells have in common? 3. Use flagella for cell movement
4. Have Ribosomes
5. Have cell wall and cytoplasm 14/14

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