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Intro 1 – to start with our may I invite everyone to rise Proceed to costume contest
for ourprayer
Insert – We want to express our gratitude to all of the sponsors for
2. Prayer - “We gather here in the presence of
their generosity. Without your support, this event would not have
God, our Father, to seek your strength and
been a success. A sincere thank you
guidance. Thank you for your unending
compassion. We give thanks for those present
7. Singing contest
with us, knowing that you will guide our thoughts
Insert – We want to express our gratitude to all of the sponsors
and actions so that you may be glorified. May we for their generosity. Without your support, this event would not
be strengthened and filled with peace. May we have been a success. A sincere thank you
love and serve one another as Jesus has 8. Halloween q&a
instructed us. Fill us with the Holy Spirit to
accomplish God’s wonderful work on earth today.
Amen 9. Bring me
Red panyo
O Lord, you are deserving of all glory and praise. Help us Nail cutter
to love as you do and act wisely so that others may be A pair of sack
attracted to your salvation and hope. Allow us to build Alcohol
each other up today as we give you the glory!
Wet wipes
10. Presentation scary food
Gracious God, Thank You for this opportunity to be
11. Breaking the pot
transformed in Your presence; mind, heart, and soul. I
12. Longest Halloween,
am with You. I require You. I adore You. Jesus’ Name is
13. Break time snack
invoked, Amen.”
14. Announce the winner
3. Introduction 2: a vey good noon everybody, welcome you to Closing remarks
this fabulous Halloween costume party..I hope that Distribution of loot bad
everybody is doing well, and of course we have lot of
exciting activities and a lot of prizes to be given away and of
course a much awaited exciting part of our program is
scariest costume contest. Are all kids are excited?
4. Intro to Halloween idea
5. Halloween history
6. Presentation of judges

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