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Reflection Paper no.

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on
people’s health, but also on how they learn, work and live. Among the most important
challenges created by COVID-19 is how to adapt a system of education built around physical
schools. Learners were hard adjusting at first since it was really a big change not just for the
primary learners but also to Teachers .

Many students may be glad to see their relatives once again, others have left abusive homes,
some have come home to an empty fridge, and still more have no place to call their own. The
rest of the year's coursework was quickly switched to being completed online. Commencement
ceremonies and other highly anticipated year-ending activities have been postponed. Many
people have lost their jobs on or in the neighborhood, and seniors' career searches have also
been significantly hampered. While experiencing these abrupt and unexpected changes,
primary students are physically separated from their Schools.

I will help attaining primary schoolers to Recognize that it's alright to feel what you're feeling.
Feelings of grief, rage, frustration, worry, or all of the above are common during this hectic
time. You have the right to express your feelings to others and to feel this way. It is also
acceptable to sit through these feelings. Reach out to one of the resources listed below for
additional support if your feelings get so bad that you are unable to carry on with your normal

Mikhaila Eryka Torrevillas


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