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Date: 6/3/23

Objective : to determine if battery’s power follow’s a decay curve.

Hypothesis: the capacity of battery gradually decrease over time as it is discharged and recharged with
the rate of decay depending on type of battery


One battery Ammeter

Pencil graph paper

Charger timer



Factors to be varied

Controlled : battery

Independent : how long the battery last

Dependent : the amount of current the battery had



1. connect the fully charge battery on the phone and power it on

2. start the timer minute the phone on

3 use the ammeter to read how much current passes through the battery
4 stop the timer when the phone dies and see how long it lasted

5 record your reading

6 repeat step 1 to 5 10 times and see the difference

7 do a graph with your 10 readings and see the result if it and curve


A) The results will be recorded on a graph after the producer/step are followed
B) Drawing of how it will be done

C) The battery life follows a decay curve after the graph was plotted

readings Started time Time ended Amount of current

flowing through the
Readings 1
Readings 2
Readings 3
Readings 4
Readings 5
Readings 6
Readings 7
Readings 8
Readings 9
Readings 10

Modification: the time of how long it too the battery to full charge could have been taken

Limitation: the battery overheated after time and had to leave it to rest from sometime

Precaution : keep the battery away from fire and do this experiment in a cool environment

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