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To fully assure the future of the students to have a long-term successful life

the Philippine government implemented the k to 12 programs to further broaden the

student’s ability of understanding and fully accept our society that’s why this

preparation phase in our educational background has become an essential part in

today’s educational system the senior high track is located between after junior high

and college levels of education this consists of many strands like the Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM); in this strand, the students view the world on a

financial perspective on how our currency works and rotates in our today’s society

(Alonzo, M. A. (n.d.). Perception of selected grade 12 accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students of Trece Martires City. ABM is a strong stepping

stone, and foundation and is reliant on how to have a perception in the world of

business, not just how to manage money and use money but how to contribute to

our society to analyze and identify every anomaly in the system and fixing it to

have maximized our efficiency in the system but in San Jose City National

Highschool Senior High the grade 12 ABM is ending their journey on senior high

school and will undergo the college but will they pursue? Are they going to pursue

a business-related course? To pursue a business-related course some ABM students

some students wants to be a Certified Public Accountant(CPA) other branches like

Accounting research and accounting education some accountants can be in the

government or some in private companies like auditing and tax accounting to

pursue such a course requires amount of knowledge and willingness to learn to be

exposed on more subjects like Fundamentals of accounting gives you an idea on

how accounting works and when is accounting is use the ABM strand gives you a

variety on how to approach a financial problem it gives you a strong basis on how

the business world rotates and giving back to our economy so that every aspect of

your studies in ABM can be use your everyday life exposing yourself to these kinds

of subject can help you in the college you have built a strong foundation and

understanding every aspect of the business world not necessary only in financial

problems but the main function of accounting is to make decisions so it can help

you to approach you in every problem (Alonzo, M. A. (n.d.). Perception of selected

grade 12 accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students of Trece

Martires City. If you are considering pursuing a business-related course consider

taking upon a self-reflection on what you are passionate about considering what

makes you happy than what makes you wealthy try talking to a guardian taking

suggestions from someone who is a professional and most importantly consider

always your option you have always a choice to do what you want to do always

choose what makes you happy find a reason that your heart mind always works

together to makes you happy. Regardless of what path you choose, it is important to

continue learning and developing technical skills throughout your career this

involves formal and informal ways, They say that is okay if you choose a college

course that’s not related to a strand that you chose in the senior high school

achieve the dreams and goals you made and always enjoy the process and choices

you made throughout the journey of your life the future is going to be a bright one

if you are dedicated on the strand and course you choose ;what do you want to

pursue after the life of senior high school

1.1Statement of the Problem

The researchers aims to describe the perspective of ABM-12 learners of San

Jose City National High school Senior High school on what to pursue after Senior

High School and to answer the following question. This study will be conducted

among Grade 12 ABM learners of San Jose City National High School- Senior

High School; The findings of the study will be used for proposing a higher level of

understanding on how different factors affect students’ decisions regarding their

career paths. Hence, the research problems are the following:

1. What are the demographic profile of the ABM learners in terms;

1.1 Sex:

1.2 Age:

1.3 Family Month income:

2. What is the insight of Grade 12 ABM on what to pursue in College?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the Grade 12 ABM in what

to pursue in college?

4. What career will the ABM students will pursue after Senior High

School and why?


This findings of this study will redound to the benefits to the ABM

learners considering that this study consist of the what is the

courses picked in the Grade 12 ABM learners and will highly help

parents on what is in demand courses that everyone takes so they can

save up the money to enroll their child on the course that they this

study will help to uncover critical areas on picking a college course

and allowing other researchers to find the study helpful.

To The Student. A significant turning point in a leaner’s Life is

choosing A career before making a choice , The learners must

weigh a number a number of aspects the study may benefit the

students by informing them the possible factors they can consider

on choosing course; spreading awareness and knowledge of the

endeavors that comes along with their career path thus establishing

guidance and better preparing them for college

To The Educators. By finding out what course is the most picked

among the students they can discover new margin of errors of the

course and fixing it by providing much more knowledge and

exploring new ways of teaching by broadening their horizons and

getting our their comfort zones this way the educators can use this

study as a guideline to what to improve and fix on the specific


To The Parents. This study can provide the information on what to

expect on their child’s course it may help them to tutor the learners

so they can ease through their way in college it may help financial

by saving up the necessary funds for the course that they choose and
may help to encourage the child to pursue on what they want to


1.3 Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on grade 12 ABM students and their decisions

about whether to pursue courses that are related to their strand. We

are attempting to identify the factors or reasons why those grade 12

ABM students chose this strand, as well as their reasons for pursuing

or not pursuing ABM-related courses in college.

The research focused and limited only on grade 12 ABM Senior

High school students at San Jose City National High School-Senior

High School, about the perception of ABM Students on what to

pursue after senior high school. The research doesn’t include such as


2.2 Respondents Of The Study

The respondents in this study is the 5 sections of the ABM Strand in

San Jose City National Highschool Senior Highschool by choosing

5 learners in per sections with a total of 25 respondents will respond

to our survey.

2.3 Instruments of the Study

The Survey questionnaire is going to be the Instrument of the student

will be employed by the researchers. This strategy will be used by

the researcher to provide knowledge and be a basis of the study and

to find out the factors and issues that will affect the learners on

picking a college course.

The questionnaire will consist a 1-10 questions for each section the

first section will consist the financial problems of the respondents

The second section of the questionnaire is the factors that will affect

the respondents on picking their course this section will be base on

the personal opinion of the respondents and the third section of the

questionnaire will be objectives of the learners after the life of senior


2.4 Data Collection

The researchers will distribute the Survey questionnaires to the

Grade 12 ABM learners which will be collected by the researchers

after the respondents has answer the questions provided. This survey

will be a basis for the study.

2.5 Ethical Considerations

With the respondent’s full agreement the researcher surveyed them

during their free moment after asking for permission to do so. The

researcher will make sure that all of the questionnaire’s data will be
secured to prevent data leakage protecting the respondents privacy

for the research , adequate degrees of confidentiality are guaranteed

The researchers will also use the APA format for citation 7 th edition

to cite the source and prevent plagiarism.

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