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Jermanie D.


Reflective Essay 2
Usually when you hear about ‘’best work’’, you mostly associate it with the assignments on
which received the highest marks. When you ask me, I usually think of the work that I tried my
absolute hardest on. I believe the grade I received did not show my true potential. The work that
I will be speaking about is my Open Question Project from AP Literature. This specific
assignment comes from a class that is out of my league. I have never taken an Honor Class in
high school before. I decided to challenge myself and take an Advanced Placement class.
Literature has always been my weakest subject, but I was still confident that I could at least get
a ‘’C’’ in the class. So, I dedicated my time to working on assignments and got the grade I
deserved. The Open Question Project was a very hard assignment for me since I needed to
remember a book that I had read in the past and to relate it to the prompt that was given. I
struggled so much when I was working on the assignment, but even then I still pushed myself to
complete my task. The grade I received was a 70%, but not in the slightest was it a bad grade
since the average on this particular assignment was an 80%. It takes drive and effort in order for
you to achieve what you want. It may not have been the exact thing you were hoping for, but as
long as you put your best effort into your work, then it is never a waste.

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