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Comments from Assignment 2

Generally, you have done a good job of summarizing the general background of shale gas a source of
energy both in the United States and in China. Please add at least one or two subheadings within your
Topic Statement section (you should remove Preliminary Bibliography from this section title). Please add
an "Introduction" heading as well to your first few paragraphs. Adding headings will help to guide your
reader. Please in-text cite the corresponding name, date, and page # anywhere you have paraphrased or
directly quoted from a source (e.g. "The production of shale gas in the US tripled in 2010 and ..." - this
statistic should be in-text cited). By in-text citing more often your paper will read more like a literature
review with scholars in conversation with one another on the topic of shale gas. Please add your bolded,
single empirically answerable question to the end of the literature review. I would encourage you to
simplify your research question by focusing on only 1 or 2 of the factors that influence the development
of shale gas . For example, you could decide to focus your research proposal on the simple technology
used in Chins to drill reserves and how its use compares to that technology's use in the USA.

Comments from Assignment 3

The majority of my original feedback still stands. You have a very succinct and clear title...great job.
Please look back at my comments from Assignment 2 and revise the literature review as requested. I
requested for at least 1-2 sub-headings added to the body of the literature review, and a bolded
research question added to the end of your literature review. As it currently stands, I am unsure of what
your methodology section seeks to study since there is not a clear research question posed. Your
research question should be similar to the following: "Does infrastructure play a critical role in the
mining and distribution of shale gas in the US and China?" Ensure to add sub-headings to the body, and
a bolded research question to the end, of your literature review. Please state if your purpose of research
is descriptive, exploratory, or explanatory in your purpose of research section. You should not state that
a survey eliminates researchers' biasness. Instead you should state that it reduces it and provide a
reason for why this is the case. - mode of observation section Since you intend to conduct your research
through a survey method to better understand the role infrastructure plays in the Shale Gas industry as
a whole in China and the US, your units of analysis would be "organizations -American and Chinese Shale
Gas Industry's" and your unit of observation would be "individuals - the workers who are surveyed as a
means to access the necessary data". Please state that your sampling type is non-probability. Please add
more detail to your sample type/strategy section stating as to why you have chosen
non-probability/convenience sampling type/strategy. You have more variables in your research design
that must be added to your table and "discussion of the variables" paragraph, such as the workers who
are the survey respondents. Are there any other elements within your research that must be added to
this section? Overall, this is a good first attempt at your methodology section. For Assignment 4, I am
mainly asking you to add more detail to all of the sub-sections in your methodology section, as well as
apply my original feedback from Assignment 3 to your literature review. Clearly stating your research
question would help to clarify exactly what you seek to study.

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