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Holy Trinity College Of Camarines Sur

Don Domingo B. Fortuno St., Santiago

Bato Camarines Sur
S/Y 2023-2024

Narrative Report

I recently completed an on-the-job training program as part of my degree

program. The training was completed at a the Holy Trinity College, and lasted for

a total of 14 days. In this report, I will provide a narrative of my experience during

the training program, highlighting my tasks and responsibilities, my interactions

with colleagues, and my overall impressions of the training.

During the training program, I was tasked to encode some important

document that my assigned teacher has given to me, all of which were designed

to provide me with a well-rounded experience in the field of technology.

Throughout the course of my training, I had the opportunity to work closely with

colleagues in various classroom, including on how be more productive in using

technology. These interactions were some of the most valuable aspects of my

training, as they allowed me to learn from experienced professionals in the field.

My colleagues were all incredibly supportive and helpful, taking the time

to answer my questions and offer guidance whenever I needed it. I also had the

opportunity to work on several people in the classroom, which allowed me to

develop my interaction and collaboration skills. I was impressed with the level of

support and guidance I received from my teacher, who were always willing to

offer advice and feedback on my work. I also appreciated the opportunity to

attend on my teacher classroom, as this allowed me to develop my

communication skills. In conclusion, my on-the-job training program was an

incredibly valuable experience. I gained practical experience in the field of

technology, developed my interaction and collaboration skills, and had the

opportunity to work with experienced professionals in the field. I feel that this

training has prepared me well for my future career in technology, and I am

grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it.

Holy Trinity College Of Camarines Sur
Don Domingo B. Fortuno St., Santiago
Bato Camarines Sur
S/Y 2023-2024

Narrative Report

During the training program, I was given various tasks and responsibilities

related to the subject matter. The primary focus of the program was to provide

students with practical knowledge and skills that could be used in real-world

situations. Some of the tasks I was given included encoding students grade,

participating in discussions.

Throughout the training program, I had the opportunity to interact with

instructors and classmates. The instructors were experienced professionals in

the field who shared their knowledge and expertise with us. They provided

guidance and feedback on our work, and I always willing to obey her command.

Interactions with classmates were also an important part of the training program.

We were encouraged to collaborate with each other and work as a team to

complete the task that the teacher has given to us. My on-the-job training in the

classroom was an incredibly positive experience. I gained a great deal of

practical knowledge and hands-on experience related to the subject matter. The

program provided me with an opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts that I

had learned in the classroom to real-world situations. I appreciated the level of

support and guidance I received from my instructors, who were always available

to answer any questions and provide feedback on my work. Interactions with with

other students were also beneficial, as we were able to learn from each other

and develop my socializing skills and communication skills.

In conclusion, my on-the-job training in the classroom was a valuable

experience. It helped me gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience

related to the subject matter, and provided me with an opportunity to apply the

theoretical concepts that I had learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

The program helped me develop my teamwork and communication skills, and I

am grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it.

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