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About The Terrorist Bombing in Bali

Arranged by:
 Agustinus Jerlean Dirga S.
 M. Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy
 M. Shahibul Fadhilah
 M. Zaky Ramadhan
 Nayla Nurfayza
 Tiara Nur Rizky

SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Selor

First, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Damaged Roads in Lampung” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.
Amiruddin, S.Pd. as lecturer in This project. 
in arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many individuals, those obstructions could have passed. writer also realized there are
still many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized
that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content.  then the writer hopes the
criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. last but not the
least Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to gain more knowledge about Damaged
Roads in Lampung.

Tanjung Selor, 15 May 2023

Chapter I

1.1. Background

In all countries, both criminal and civil cannot be separated. However, what is of
public concern is the increase in crime. Actions that can interfere with the interests of
other people can occur anytime and anywhere. In fact, these actions can kill other people
and threaten the stability of the country. In recent years, Indonesia has been rocked by an
increase in restaurant, hotel and even university and embassy bombings.

This is considered a criminal case of terrorism and is starting to become a hallmark of

Indonesia as a terrorist state. Under the guise of implementing Islamic law, terrorism is
carried out on top of terrorism. The first bombing in Bali occurred on October 12, 2002
in Kuta sub-district, Bali. Killed 220 people and injured 209, most of them foreigners.
This event is considered to be the largest terrorism crime case that has ever occurred in
Indonesia. Several foreign nationals vacationing in Bali became victims of this action,
including Australia, Britain, the United States, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands,
France, Denmark, New Zealand, Switzerland, Brazil, Canada and several other countries.
immediately involved the police to reveal the corporation behind this bloody tragedy.
Three main figures were identified, Imam Samudra, Amrozi and Ali Gufron, who were
followed by their subordinates. As a result, criticism continued to come from other
countries which issued travel warnings and banned their citizens from traveling to

Therefore, this article will analyze the Bali bombing tragedy as a whole with a focus
on the perpetrators of the Bali bombings, namely the Bali Bombing Trio with a verdict
that ultimately led to the death of the Bali bombers. However, after being sentenced to
death, the 3 Bali bombing defendants continued to apply for a review of the execution of
the death penalty against the defendants.

1.2. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the basic description above, the problem can be formulated as following:

1. How is the implementation of legal protection for victims of criminal acts of terrorism
in Bali?
2. What is the view of the Indonesian Ulema Council on terrorism?

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