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Compiled to complete the task of English course




Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Praise our thanks to Allah SWT, because with his grace and guidance the writer can
complete the English Duty Report with the title " JUVENILE DELINQUENCY ".

This paper is structured as one of the English language materials to add our insight into
social life later.

In relation to the implementation of this paper is inseparable from the help and
encouragement of all parties morally and materially, therefore I would like to express my
gratitude to:

1. Both beloved parents, who always provide motivation and direction in this material.
2. to high school teacher Nurul Muttaqin

The author realizes that this Report is still far from perfection. Therefore, the authors
expect criticism and suggestions that are constructive for the reader. Hopefully this paper is
useful for writers and readers.

Malang, 9 Desember 2023


TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................................

PREFACE......................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER l. PRELIMINARY........................................................................................... 1

1.1. BACKGROUND..................................................................................................... 1

1.2. FORMULATION OF PROBLEM............................................................................ 1

1.3. PURPOSE............................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER ll. DISCUSSION............................................................................................ 2

2.1 UNDERSTANDING OFJUVENILE DELINQUENCY............................................... 2

2.2 CAUSES OFJUVENILE DELINQUENCY............................................................... 3

2.3 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY SOLUTIONS.............................................................. 4

CHAPTER lll. CLOSING................................................................................................. 5

3.2 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................ 5

3.3 SUGGESTION........................................................................................................ 5



1.1. Background of report generation.

Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. A teenager no

longer can be said as a child, but he is still not mature enough to be said to be adults. He is
looking for the lifestyle that suits him best and this is often done through a trial and error
method though through many mistakes.

His mistakes often cause concern and unpleasant feelings for his environment, his
parents. The mistakes that teenagers make will only please their peers. This is because
they are all still in the same time looking for identity. Errors that cause environmental
annoyance is what is often referred to as juvenile delinquency.

Teenagers are the future assets of a nation. In addition to the excitement of youth
activities in recent times and the coaching done by student and student organizations, we
see also a flurry of moral slumps among some of our young, known as juvenile
delinquency. In the newspapers we often read stories about student fights, narcotics, drug
use, liquor, snatchers by teenagers, rising pregnancy cases among young women and so

This is a problem faced by the society that is now increasingly widespread,

therefore the problem of juvenile delinquency should get a serious attention and focused to
direct teenagers to a more positive direction, which emphasis to the creation of a system in
tackling delinquency among teenagers.

1.2. Rumusan Masalah.

Based on the above background, the authors formulate the issues to be discussed in this
paper as follows :
1. What is juvenile delinquency?
2. What is the cause of juvenile delinquency?
3. How to solve juvenile delinquency solutions?

1.3. Tujuan Pembuatan Makalah.

The purpose of this paper is to provide understanding to students about juvenile

delinquency, the following causes of the solution.

1. Students understand the notion of juvenile delinquency.

2. Students know the factors that cause juvenile delinquency.
3. Students know the solution in overcoming juvenile delinquency.



Lately in some mass media we often read about the crimes committed in this country
we love. There are teenagers who have slept with their own mothers, fights between
students, brawls, drug abuse and drinking and much more criminality in this country. Moral
damage has spread throughout the community, from children to adults and elderly people.

Including that do not escape from this moral damage is adolescent. Educational
experts agree that teenagers are those aged 13-18. At that age, a person has gone beyond
childhood, but still not mature enough to be said to mature. It is in a period of transition and
self-discovery, which therefore often performs acts known as juvenile delinquency.

Juvenile delinquency includes all behaviors that deviate from the criminal law norms
perpetrated by adolescents. Such behavior will harm himself and those around him. The
problem of juvenile delinquency has begun to get the public's attention in particular since the
formation of justice for juvenile justice in 1899 in Illinois, USA. Some experts define juvenile
delinquency as follows :

1. Kartono, scientist of sociology.

“ Delinquency Teenagers or in English known as juvenile delinquency is a social
pathological symptom in adolescents caused by a form of social neglect. As a result, they
develop a form of deviant behavior ".

2. Santrock
"Juvenile delinquency is a collection of adolescent behavior that is not socially
acceptable until a crime occurs."

The act of teenagers who are still in search of identity often disturbs the peace of
others. Light mischief that disturbs the tranquility of the surrounding environment such as
frequent night out and spends its time just to fool around like drinking, using drugs, fighting,
gambling, etc. It will hurt itself, the family, and others around him.

Quite a lot of factors behind the occurrence of juvenile delinquency. Various factors
that exist can be grouped into internal factors and external factors. Here's a brief

1. Internal Factors.

a. Crisis identity.
Biological and sociological changes in adolescence allow for two forms of
integration. First, the formation of a sense of consistency in his life. Second, the
achievement of role identity. Juvenile delinquency occurs because teenagers fail to
achieve a second integration period.

b. Weak self control.

Teenagers who can not learn and distinguish acceptable behavior from
unacceptable ones will be dragged into the 'naughty' behavior. Likewise for those who
already know the difference between the two behaviors, but can not develop self-
control to behave in accordance with his knowledge.

2. External Factors.

a. Lack of attention from parents, as well as lack of affection

The family is the smallest social unit that provides the primary foundation for
child development. While the surrounding environment and school come to give
nuance on child development. Because of the good and bad family structure and the
surrounding community to give effect to the good or bad growth of the child's

The circumstances of the family environment that caused the onset of juvenile
delinquency such as broken-home families, cluttered households caused by the death
of their fathers or mothers, families overwhelmed by violent conflicts, inadequate family
economies, are all a fertile source for the rise of adolescent delinquency.

Dr. Kartini Kartono also believes bahwasannya factors causing juvenile delinquency, among

1. Children get less attention, love and guidance of parents education, especially father's
guidance, because father and mother are each busy taking care of problems and internal

2. Unmet physical and psychological needs of teenagers, wishes and expectations of

children can not be channeled satisfactorily, or do not get compensated


From the various factors and problems that occur among today's teenagers as
mentioned above, there must be some appropriate solutions in the coaching and
improvement of today's teenagers. Juvenile delinquency in any form has negative
consequences for both the general public and for the adolescent himself.

Efforts to prevent the onset of juvenile delinquency in general can be done through the
following ways :

1. Know and know the general and typical characteristics of adolescents

2. Knowing the difficulties commonly experienced by teenagers.
3. Which difficulties are usually the cause of the outlet in the form of mischief.

Teenage coaching can be done through :

1. Strengthen the mental attitude of adolescents in order to be able to solve the

problems faced.
2. Provide education not only in the addition of knowledge and skills but mental
and personal education through religious teaching, character and etiquette.
3. Provide facilities and create an optimal atmosphere for a reasonable
personal development.
4. Providing general advice in the hope of being useful.
5. Strengthen motivation or encouragement to behave well and stimulate good
social relationships.
6. Hold a discussion group by giving the opportunity to express the views and
opinions of the teenagers and provide a positive direction.
7. Improving the circumstances surrounding the environment, social
circumstances of the family and the community where many happening juvenile

Teenage delinquency prevention efforts are specifically done by educators against

behavioral disorders of teenagers. Mental education in schools is done by teachers, mentors
and school psychologists along with other educators. Educators' efforts should be directed
toward adolescents by observing, paying special attention and monitoring every deviation of
the behavior of adolescents at home and at school.

Schools are formal educational institutions that have a strong influence on adolescent
development. There are many things that can be done by schools to start improvement of
adolescents, among them do program "monitoring" coaching teen through religious activities,
extracurricular activities in school and organizing various positive activities for adolescents.

Provision of guidance to adolescents aims to increase the understanding of adolescents

about :

1. Self-knowledge: self-assessment and relationships with others.

2. Adjustment: recognize and accept demands and adapt to these demands.
3. Self-orientation: directs the adolescent person toward the limitation between self and
social attitudes with an emphasis on awareness of social, moral and ethical values.

The problem of juvenile delinquency has begun to get the public's attention in
particular since the formation of justice for juvenile justice in 1899 in Illinois, USA.
Juvenile delinquency includes all behaviors that deviate from the criminal law norms
perpetrated by adolescents. Such behavior will harm himself and those around him.
Factors behind the occurrence of juvenile delinquency can be grouped into internal
factors and external factors. Internal factors such as identity crisis and weak self-control.
While external factors such as lack of attention from parents; lack of understanding
about religion; the influence of the surrounding environment and the influence of western
culture and the interaction with peers; and place of education.

The consequences caused by juvenile delinquency will have an impact on the

adolescent itself, the family, and the community environment. Solutions in tackling
juvenile delinquency can be divided into preventive, repressive, and curative and
rehabilitation measures. The internal solutions for a teenager in controlling juvenile
delinquency include Failure to achieve role identity and weakness of self-control can be
prevented or overcome by the principle of modeling The existence of motivation from
family, teachers, peers to do the first point Teenagers channel their energy in positive

Teenagers are good at picking good friends and neighborhoods and giving
parents direction with whom and in which community teenagers should hang out,
Adolescents form self-resilience to avoid being easily affected if it turns out that existing
peers or communities are not in line with expectations Any attempt to control juvenile
delinquency should be directed toward achieving a solid, harmonious and mature
adolescent personality. Teenagers are expected to become strongly adult adults,
physically and mentally healthy, firm in belief (faith) as members of society, nation and

Based on the above conclusions, the authors suggest to pay more attention to
social issues, especially juvenile delinquency. We should be able to prevent and control
adolescent behavior so as not to cause social problems that occur due to juvenile


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