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In this life, of course, there are many problems and tests that sometimes feel that life is so heavy that
it seems that there is never a way out and despair. But never forget and believe that humans always
encounter trials and problems in their lives. But keep in mind is that by being given a trial, humans
will get stronger support from family and friends. Role is a set of human expectations for how
individuals behave and act when in certain situations based on their social status and function. Peers
are the first social environment where adolescents learn to live together with other people who are not
members of their family. Peers are one of the environmental factors that shape a teenager's personality
to become a better person. Friends pay attention if teenagers have problems, then the role of peers is
also as a mediator in providing support and enthusiasm in a problem faced by their friends.

Keywords : the role of friends and family, personality,


Gratitude, alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin, all praises to the author of the presence of

Allah SWT and shalawat and greetings are conveyed to Rasulullah SAW for the abundance
of His mercy and grace so that the author can complete a paper entitled "Solutions for
Responding to Friends Falling in the Darkness of Stains and Sins Towards Beneficial
Meanings for People Other".
The author realizes that this paper could not be completed without the help and
encouragement from various parties. Therefore, the authors would like to thank Mr. Maulidin
Iqbal, S.Th., M.Th. As a supervisor in this course and providing guidance in writing this
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect, therefore the author expects
constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper. Hopefully
this paper can be useful for students in particular and general readers. Finally, the author says
thank you.




TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................

1.1 Background of the problem...........................................................................................

1.2 Formulation of the problem...........................................................................................
1.3 Writing purpose.............................................................................................................

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................................

2.1 The Effect of One Falling Into Sinful Acts...................................................................

1. Internal factors.........................................................................................................
2. External Factors.......................................................................................................

2.2 Solution for someone who has fallen into sin................................................................

2.3 The Nature of Friendship in the Qur'an.........................................................................

CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................

3.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................

3.2 Suggestions....................................................................................................................


1.1 Background

From time to time, science and technology has developed so rapidly that it has shifted
the previous teachings in people's lives. In today's life there are many demands that must be
realized so that everyone will compete to achieve it, especially among teenagers who are
educated in shaping the behavior, attitudes, and personality of teenagers.

Everything human action refers to his view of good and bad. Good and bad will
basically be a source of reference ( frame of reference) in carrying out every action that will
be carried out in his life. Humans in every action, however in pursuit of something good,
therefore the definition of good is something that is pursued while evil is the opposite of
good, that is, something that is avoided or left behind.1

Bad behavior is behavior that is despicable and something that is prohibited by

religion and must be abandoned in its various forms and types, but in Muslim life in
Indonesia we often hear bad words and deeds, even wrong expressions appear in claiming.
someone due to a bad mindset and lack of knowledge so that misinterpreting what is bad is
considered good and what is good is considered bad.

Juvenile delinquency is an act or behavior carried out by a teenager either alone or in

groups that violates the legal, moral, and social provisions that apply in the community. The
development of teenagers at this time can no longer be proud of. The behavior of juvenile
delinquency at this time is difficult to overcome.

The role of parents is very important in the development of children. Parents' attention
is focused on supporting and being responsible for the child. The attention of parents is the
main factor in guiding and directing their children in the family and community so that
children can become good future generations.2

The attention and example of parents will be followed by their children in the
formation of character in the future. The attention given by parents is needed to instill
discipline in children, for example, discipline in managing playtime, reading, playing with

Burhanuddin Salam, Individual Ethics, Basic Patterns of Moral Philosophy (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta, 2000), 31
Maya Carolita, "The Influence of Learning Motivation, Parental Attention, And Peers Towards Accounting
Learning Achievements of Xi Ips Students at SMA Negeri Depok 2016/2017 Academic Year". 2017
friends, and watching television. Everything children do needs supervision by parents, even
though parents must also give freedom to children. The freedom in question is freedom that is
carried out by children but is still under the supervision of parents. 3The relationship between
parents and children describes the extent to which the intensity of communication between
children and parents is.4

One way for youth or youth to avoid negative things is to first start from the smallest
things, namely by paying attention to who they hang out with, especially seeing how their
friends are around them. Because we know that the influence of friends on the education of
teenagers is an important period in the development process. Because by seeing who he is
friends with, it will be known how later the children will behave whether their friends are
able to bring good things, care for their friends, and always help their friends when they are
in trouble or become teenagers who behave badly.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

1. What causes a person to fall into sin?
2. What is the solution for someone who has fallen into sin?
3. What is the nature of friendship in the Qur'an?

1.3. Writing purpose

1. Knowing what is the effect of falling someone into sin

2. Knowing the solution to the problem
3. Knowing the nature of friendship in the Qur'an

Ibid., 6.
Munawir Yusu, Education for Children with Learning Problems (Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai, 2003), 43.

2.1 The Effect of Falling Into Stain and Sin

Sin according to terminology is anything that is contrary to the command of Allah

SWT, whether related to doing something or leaving it. 5TM Hasby Ash Shiddieqy
formulates prayer is a violation of something God's provision. God's provisions here are
provisions that must be carried out or must be abandoned. So it is not God's provision that the
law is sunnah, makruh or permissible.

Sins and mistakes are important problems in Islam, because they involve the relationship,
both between humans and Allah swt, with society and their environment and themselves.
Peace along with human welfare and happiness is largely determined by how far he will be
spared or clean from sins and mistakes, or how much obedience and kindness he does. On the
other hand, human suffering, misery and unhappiness are largely determined by how many
sins and mistakes they have committed. Those who commit sins and mistakes are threatened
by Allah with severe punishment, both in this world and in the hereafter. On the other hand,
those who do obedience and good deeds are promised and given by Allah a great reward,
both in this world and in the hereafter.

We have seen that immoral acts are human actions that violate moral laws that are
contrary to God's commands. In fact, immoral acts can weaken and cut off the path to God.
Why? Because immoral acts can make an individual to do something that tends to munkar.

Then immoral acts have several intrinsic characteristics, namely they can produce
inner satisfaction, are fun and enjoyable so that they can make an individual happy and even
addicted to doing it again, for example Zina which can cause psychological addiction.

In this day and age, immoral acts have become increasingly rampant, so that many
humans have fallen into the valley of this disobedience. Actually, all humans do have sin, so
it is not surprising that humans are difficult to avoid from immoral acts. As Rasulullah SAW

"All the children of Adam have sinned, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
(HR. Ibn Maajah)
Imam Al-Gzhali, The Secret of Repentance, trans. Muhammad Bagir, Mizan Media Utama, Bandung, 2003, Pg.
Then, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said; "Indeed, Allah has decreed for the children
of Adam their share of adultery. He knew so without a doubt. The eye can commit adultery,
and adultery is sight (which is forbidden). Adultery of both ears is hearing (which is
forbidden). The tongue (oral) can commit adultery, and adultery is speech (which is
forbidden). The hand can commit adultery, and adultery is holding (which is forbidden). Feet
can commit adultery, and adultery is a step swing (to a forbidden place)…” (Narrated by
Bukhari and Muslim)

The factors that cause sin in adultery are: moral factors, social or environmental
factors, economic factors, and opportunity factors. The bad effects that will be caused by
adultery are that it will cause and spread venereal and skin diseases, damage the joints of
family life, have a demoralizing effect on the environment, correlate with crime and
addiction to narcotic substances, damage moral, ethical and legal joints. , and religion,
increasing cases of violence against children, abortions are illegal and very dangerous for
women's health and safety, especially if they are carried out carelessly, namely by those
who are not trained. In addition, the bad effects of adultery include biological sins,
generally experienced by women, psychological sins, namely feelings of shame, regret
and despair, sociological sins, which in general, perpetrators of adultery are marginalized
from society; Sin academically. Students who are still in school are expelled from the
institution where they study, theologically sinful, all religions prohibit adultery without

That way, as Muslims, we should take care of themselves to avoid immoral acts.
Because if not, then these immoral acts will be very detrimental in this world and in the

In fact, humans are the most noble creatures in the sight of Allah, but on the other
hand humans will be humiliated in the sight of Allah, if he himself immerses himself in
immoral acts. According to Islamic teachings, this kind of person is inferior to animals,
because he was given eyes by Allah but is not used to see Allah's verses, besides that Allah
has given ears but is not used to hear Allah's words.
Strictly speaking, Islamic teachings have explained that a loss for humans who
commit immorality is to become a barrier to obtaining knowledge, so that obedience to Allah
is hindered, causes a person to be humiliated, loses shame, gets a bad end of life, hardens the
heart, removes blessings. , makes the heart narrow, gets the curse and punishment of Allah in
the hereafter.

The Qur'an has told many events and the dangers caused by immoral acts. The story is
not something made up or daydream, let alone a lie to scare people, but it really happened
and became a tragedy for mankind. Among them are the great flood that reached the top of
the mountain at the time of the prophet Noah (as) which caused the inhabitants of the earth to
sink, a whirlwind that blew hard and slammed the people of 'Ad until they all died like fallen
palm fronds, a terrible thunder that killed the Thamud, raining stones in the land. Sodom on
the people of the prophet Lut which destroyed all its inhabitants, the clouds of doom in the
form of a mega shade which when it descends like fire that burns the Shu'aib, the sinking of
Pharaoh and his people in the Nile, loud screams that destroy the people described in the
letter Yasin.

There are many factors that cause juvenile delinquency behavior to appear, both
internally (factors from within the home and psychology) and externally (external
environmental factors).

1. Internal factors
Adolescence is usually synonymous with joy, confusion, friendship, self-introduction
and so on. It is not uncommon for teenagers to be easily offended. Because teenagers are
more likely to have an egocentric nature. In terms of internal factors that cause deviations in
adolescent behavior, they tend to:
a. Personal Psychology
Mentally in adolescents are still relatively unstable with the support of a strong
curiosity, so usually they tend to do anything without considering the consequences
that will be caused.
Therefore, in conditions like this, parents don't just let their children go,
especially during their teens. At a vulnerable age, it is better to be directed towards
positive education, such as participating in youth mosque activities (Remas) in their
environment, or participating in arts and sports activities organized by the school.13
In a person there must be unexpected abilities. For example, behaving well with a
good environment and the need for guidance or assistance from parents.
b. Family
The family is the first educational institution and is the fundamental basis for
the development and growth of the child's personality. Therefore, the family has an
important role in providing motion or color for the formation of the child's
personality. The family environment has a variety of conditions and potential means
can have a positive or negative influence. A good family will have a positive
influence on child development.
The situation of a broken family (broken home) and a quasi-broken home both
provide strong potential in making students become
c. Identity Crisis
Biological and sociological changes in adolescents allow for two forms of
integration. First, the formation of a feeling of consistency in life. Second, the
achievement of role identity. Juvenile delinquency occurs because teenagers fail to
reach the second integration period.15 Juvenile delinquency means rearranging their
emotions and feelings that have been damaged due to the process of the surrounding
d. Weak Self Control
Adolescents who cannot learn and distinguish acceptable and unacceptable
behavior will be dragged into "naughty" behavior. Likewise for those who already
know the difference in behavior, but cannot develop self-control to behave according
to their knowledge.16 Juvenile delinquency also occurs because many parents cannot
act as parents properly. They only provide materials, facilities and facilities for their
children without paying attention to their children's needs both physically and
mentally. And parents often demand what they want from their children without
giving directions and good examples for their children.6
2. External Factors
1. Community Environment
Developments in technology are causing a stir among teenagers who have the
mentality to accept new changes. Mass media such as films and reading books
depicting truant students, brawls, committing crimes, cunning, robbers, thieves,
pornographic stories provide opportunities for children to express their hidden
Kartini Kartono , Adolescent Psychology , (Bandung: PT Rosda Karya, 1988), p. 5
feelings. Besides the influence of stimulation to imitate them in everyday life, they
unconsciously imitate what is contained in the film and in the readings.
Psychologically, students have an imitative nature, namely wanting to imitate what
their idols do when they read books, movies, computers/laptops, which nowadays are
like daily necessities and so on .
2. Friends
A person's behavior will not be far from his social friends. According to some
psychologists, teenagers tend to live in groups (gangs) and always want their group
identity to be recognized in the eyes of others. Therefore, the behavioral attitudes that
arise between them are difficult to see the difference. The impact of juvenile
delinquency will certainly have an impact on the teenager. If not treated immediately,
he will grow into a person with a bad personality. Teenagers who commit certain
delinquency will certainly be avoided or even ostracized by many people. The
teenager will only be considered as a bully and a useless person . As a result of being
ostracized from his surroundings, the teenager may experience a mental disorder.
What is meant by mental disorders does not mean crazy, but he will feel isolated in
terms of socialization, feel very sad, or even hate the people around him.
2.2 Solution for someone who has fallen into sin

In essence, according to Islam, humans are creatures created by Allah SWT. The
essence of human form is a creature whose development is influenced by nature and the
environment. Humans are whole creatures consisting of body, mind, and spirit as the main
potential, humans who have physical aspects, are mentioned in QS. Al-Qashash : 77
Meaning: " And seek in what Allah has bestowed upon you (happiness) in the hereafter, and
do not forget your share of worldly (pleasures) and do good (to others) as Allah has done
good to you, and do not do mischief in ( face) earth. Verily, Allah does not like those who do
If a child does not learn proper social etiquette since childhood, then he will reap a lot of
criticism from those around him and will even fall into a difficult and embarrassing position.
Therefore, it is one of the obligations of parents to pay attention to this from a young age and
teach them good manners and general manners when they are present in a place. Islam has
regulated the behavior of teenagers. Such behavior is a limitation based on religious values.

Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Qur'an and Translation ..., p. 394
Therefore, these behaviors must be considered, maintained, and implemented by teenagers.
Behavior that is a limitation in the association is:
a) Closing Aurat
Islam has obligated both men and women to cover their aurat in order to maintain
self-respect and success of the heart. Aurat is a part of the body that must be covered and
must not be shown to people who are not mahram, especially to the opposite sex so as not to
arouse lust and not cause slander. Aurat for men is the part of the body between the navel and
the knee, while for women, it is all parts of the body except the face and palms. In addition to
the aurat, the clothes worn must also not be tight, transparent or thin.
b) Avoiding Adultery
Islam is a religion that maintains purity. Association in Islam is an association based
on the values of holiness and honor. In association with the opposite sex there must be a
distance so that there is no chance of sexual crimes that will ultimately damage themselves
and the general public.
c) Good Social Ethics
All religions and traditions have regulated the procedures for adolescent association.
The teachings of Islam as a way of life for the people have also regulated the procedures for
adolescent association based on religious values.
d) Ask for permission
Asking permission here means not to underestimate the rights of others. Because
every right we have must be limited by the rights of others around us. The Messenger of
Allah (SAW) said, "If one of you has asked permission three times and it has not been
granted, let him go home."2
e) )Respect the Old and Love the Young
Respectful people are people who can respect other people, people they often
associate with according to their various ages and levels. There are many hadiths that
mention learning to respect others. Among them is the meaning of the following hadith:
"We do not belong to our group who do not respect the big, do not love the small, and do
not know the rights of the knowledgeable" (narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad, juz 2/185-
207, and al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak juz 1/122).8
f) Be Polite and Not Arrogant
In the association, the behavior shown usually wants to be seen as more than his
friends. This has never been applied in Islam. Verily, Allah does not like arrogant people.
Ibid . , p. 84
2.3 The Nature of Friendship in the Qur'an

In Indonesian, the word friendship is a word that is affixed with per and an. While the
word friend in the Indonesian dictionary also means friend, friend. In the sense of someone
who is together in working, doing, walking, conversing and can also be interpreted as being a
complementary person or partner.9
In the Qur'an there are many themes regarding friendship/friendship, there are verses
containing fostering, establishing and perpetuating the bonds of friendship. Therefore, Islam
is a religion that highly upholds human values. One of the human values is the bond in a
Prophet Muhammad SAW. Alone to liken a friendship / friendship that is between
two Muslims with both hands. As we already know that the two hands have a strong bond
between each other. What the right hand cannot do, the left hand can do, what the left hand
cannot do, the right hand can do. Both are united in realizing a goal. From this we know that
the strong emotions of friendship that the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Imagine that with both
Islam also explains that true friendship is a symbiotic mutualism, namely mutual
benefit. If it is not based on principles like this, it is certain that the friendship will not last
long. If one of them has a certain interest in what he is friends with, then the friendship is not
true, because, when he has reached his goal, he will disappear leaving his friend. Friendship
will be lost with time in the desired achievement. One example of a profitable friendship is a
friend who is able to intercede on the Day of Judgment. Of course, friendships like this must
be based on spiritual awareness, not just looking at aspects. Because friendship will be



3.1 Conclusion
Language Center Department of National Education, Indonesian Language Dictionary (Jakarta: Language
Center, 2008), p. 1338
Rizem Aizid, Your Friend The Strength of Your Soul (Cet. 1; Yogyakarta: Diva Press, 2015), p.27.
Rizem Aizid, Your Friend Your Strength, p.28
1. Juvenile delinquency can be categorized into deviant behavior in social problems, this
happens because there are behavioral deviations from various social rules or
applicable social values and norms. Deviant behavior can be considered as a source of
problems, because it can endanger the establishment of the social system.
2. There are several factors of juvenile delinquency that can be known which include
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include: personal psychology,
family, identity crisis and weak control. While external factors include: community
environment, friends and family.
3. The solution adopted in Islamic religious education is to cover the genitals, stay away
from adultery, regulate ethics in daily interactions with others, and establish a good
and supportive environment.

3.2 Suggestions

The author realizes that in every writing of this paper there must be shortcomings,
both intentional and unintentional. Therefore, the author hopes for suggestions or input from
lecturers and also friends with the aim of becoming better in the future.

Burhanuddin Salam, Individual Ethics, Basic Patterns of Moral Philosophy (Jakarta:Rineka
Cipta, 2000), 31
Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Qur'an and Translation ..., p. 394
Ibid . , p. 84
Ibid., 6.
Komaruddin Hidayat, Expressions of Wisdom; Opening your eyes, Capturing Meaning (
Bandung: Noura Book Publisher, 2013), p.84. Rizem Aizid, Your Friend the
Strength of Your Soul (Cet. 1; Yogyakarta: Diva Press, 2015), p.27.
Kartini Kartono, Adolescent Psychology , (Bandung: PT Rosda Karya, 1988), p. 5
Maya Carolita, "The Influence of Learning Motivation, Parental Attention, And Peers
Towards Accounting Learning Achievements of Xi Ips Students at SMA Negeri
Depok 2016/2017 Academic Year". 2017
Munawir Yusu, Education for Children with Learning Problems (Surakarta: Tiga Serangkai,
2003), 43.
Rizem Aizid, Your Friend Your Strength, p.28
National Education Department Language Center, Indonesian Dictionary
(Jakarta: Language Center, 2008), p. 1338

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