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Adolescent Development

Submitted to fulfill Development courses Students semester I

Dosen Pembimbing Mata Kuliah : Armita Sari, S.Pd, M.Pd.


Mhd Sholeh Kurniawan Nst 4193332002

Praise over the inclusion and his grace "Paper Adolescent Development "
can be resolved properly to meet the task of teaching professors, as our author
book report this utter receive Thanks to those people who have supported the
completion of this paper in the form of morality and so on and also to professors
supervising the courses development of Learners: the teacher Mita who has
provided guidance and direction to this paper is composed properly.

Our best wishes and hope this paper can add to knowledge and experience for the
readers. For the future, can improve the form or add the contents of the paper so
that the future for the better again. Because of the limitations of knowledge as well
as our experience, we believe there are still many shortcomings in the critical book
report this, therefore I strongly expect the suggestions and criticisms that builds
from the reader for the sake of perfection of this paper.
Medan, 09 Sept 2019

Mhd Sholeh Kurniawan

A. Background
The development of the son of man is something complex. That is, many factors were
influential and intertwined in the continuation of the process of child development. Both the
innate elements as well as elements of the experience gained in the interaction with the
environment are equally contributing towards a certain direction and pace of development of the
The large number of aspects discussed in discussing the issue of development led to the
multiplicity of terms and concepts used. So did the number of views and theories to explain the
phenomenon-phenomenon of child development to make increasingly rich knowledge about
child development.
An overview discussion of the above developments suggested the need for a way of
presenting coherently and sufficient detail. In this paper, in particular will be described
understanding development and growth as well as some of the principal issues that deal with that
topic. In addition, some of the principal term with regard to the concept of development which
will be used in subsequent discussion-discussion will also be introduced and described in this
B. Formulation Of The Problem

In this paper the problem that will be discussed include include:

1. What is the sense of adolescent development?
2. How does the adolscent as a holistic process of biological, cognitive, and psychosocial?

C.    The Purpose Of The Writing

As for the purpose of writing is to fulfill the duties in the course of development of the learners,
in addition there are also several purposes including:
1.    Understand the sense of the term adolescent development;
2.    Understand and are aware of the child as an individual organism or a totality;
3.    Understanding child development as a holistic process between the processes of biological,
cognitive, and psychosocial; and
4. Obtain an overview of the issues of maturity and experience vs. continuity vs. discontinuity
in development.
A. Definition of Adolscent
Adolescence is a period where a person starts to ask questions about
various phenomena that occur in the surrounding environment as a basis
for the formation of their self-worth. Teenagers begin to make their own
judgments in dealing with popular problems relating to their environment.
For example: politics, humanity, war, social conditions, etc. Teenagers no
longer accept the results of rigid, simple, and absolute thoughts given to
them so far without rebuttal. Teenagers begin to question the validity of
existing thoughts and consider more alternatives. Critically, adolescents will
make more observations out and compare them with things that have been
taught and instilled in them.

B. Changes that occur in adolescents

1. Moral Change
The ability to think in the moral dimension of adolescents develops
because they begin to see an oddity and imbalance between what they
believed in the past and the reality around them. They then felt the
need to question and reconstruct the mindset with a new "reality".
These changes often underlie the attitude of "rebellion" adolescents to
the rules or authorities that have been accepted unanimously. This of
course will cause a conflict of values for the teenager. The value conflict
in adolescents will gradually become a big problem, if teenagers do not
find a way out. The possibility of adolescents to no longer believe the
values instilled by parents or educators since childhood will be very large
if parents or educators are unable to provide logical explanations,
especially if the surrounding environment does not support the
application of these values.
2. Physical Change

3. Cognitive development
Stepping on puberty, a teenager will experience cognitive development
or thinking ability. Adolescent cognitive development, in the view of
Jean Piaget (a cognitive development expert) is the last and highest
period in the growth stage of formal operations (period of formal
operations). Ideally, a teenager already has his own mindset. Among
those that can be described are:
a. Begin to think logically about an abstract idea
b. Start to make plans, strategies, make decisions, solve problems
and start thinking about the future
c. Appears the ability to reason scientifically and learn to test
hypotheses or problems
d. Learning to reflect yourself
e. His insight in thinking is broadening, which can include religion,
justice, morality, identity or identity
4. Personality and social development
Personality development is a change in the way individuals relate to the
world and express emotions uniquely; whereas social development
means changes in dealing with others (Papalia & Olds, 2001). An
important personality development in adolescence is the search for self-
identity. What is meant by the search for self-identity is the process of
becoming a unique person with an important role in life (Erikson in
Papalia & Olds, 2001).
5. Adolscent Language Development
The variety of languages of adolescents have special characteristics, are
short, agile and creative. The words used tend to be short, while words
that are rather long will be shortened through a morphological process
or replaced with shorter words such as ‘games are replaced with toys,
work is replaced by work.
The sentences used are mostly single sentence structures. Ellipse forms
are also widely used to make sentence structures shorter so that often
sentences are incomplete. By using a short structure, the expression of
meaning becomes faster which often makes listeners who are not native
speakers of Indonesian have difficulty understanding it. We can hear
how this teen language is made so brief but very communicative.
C. The Role of Parents in Youth Development
The role of parents or educators is very large in providing alternative
answers to things that are questioned by their teenage sons and
daughters. Wise parents will provide more than one answer and
alternative so that the teenager can think further and choose the best.
Parents who are unable to give explanations wisely and are rigid will
make the teen more confused. The teenager will look for answers
outside the parent circle and the values they hold. This can be
dangerous if the "new environment" gives an unwanted or contradictory
answer given by the parent. Conflicts with parents may start sharpening.
The youth no longer receive the information as it is, but it will also
adapt the information to its own thoughts. But in fact, in developing
countries (including Indonesia), there are many teenagers (even adults
too) who have not been able to think of adults. Some still have a very
simple mindset. It happens because Education system in Indonesia many
use learning methods one way teaching or lecture, so the critical power
to learn a child is less sharpened. There can also be parenting patterns
that tend to still treat teenagers like children so they have no flexibility
in fulfilling their developmental tasks according to their age.
Should a teenager need to have reached the stage of developmental
abstract thought so that when they graduate high school, it is
accustomed to think critically and able to analyse problems and find the
best solution.



1. Masa remaja adalah suatu periode peralihan diri dari masa kanak-kanak kepada
masa dewasa.
2. Semua individu khususnya remaja akan mengalami perkembangan baik fisik
maupun psikis yang meliputi aspek-aspek intelektual, sosial, emosi, bahasa, moral dan
3. Terjadinya peningkatan perhatian remaja terhadap kehidupan sexual ini sangat
dipengaruhi oleh faktor perubahan-perubahan fisik selama pubertas. Terutama
kematangan organ-organ seksual dan perubahan-perubahan hormonal, mengakibatkan
munculnya dorongan-dorongan seksual dalam diri remaja.
4. Ada beberapa bentuk berprilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan oleh remaja,
diantaranya pesta malam yang menimbulkan sisi negative remaja, minum- minuman
keras dan obat-obat terlarang.


Dalam perkembangan remaja merupakan salah satu perjalanan yang bisa

mempengaruhi dalam kehidupannya, oleh sebab itu butuh arahan serta didikan agar
bisa melewati masa-masa transisi itu dengan baik dalam fisik maupun psikis sehingga
bisa mengatasi dan mengaplikasikan perubahan-perubahan itu dalam kehidupan

Syarif, Kemali. 2017. Perkembangan Peserta Didik. Medan: Unimed Press

Yusuf, Syamsu. 2015. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Bandung: PT. Remaja

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