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Good morning everyone, my name is German David Vargas Niño, I am 15 years old and I study

at the virtual school called, unicab

The purpose of this video is talk about things that I hadn't done before the pandemic and i am
doing now, also we are going to interview my mother and ask her the same question, so let's

1. Before the pandemic began, I just washed my hands when I was about to eat something, but
since the pandemic began i have been washing my hands every time that i enter to my house

2. before the pandemic began, i never used a face mask and although now i neither use it.

i used it for two years since the pandemic started

3. Before the pandemic my family and me traveled to many different places but during the
pandemic, my family not even let me go to the city,so i had been bored, in that moment, but
fortunally , now we can already travel again

4. before the pandemic i was in a presencial school but when the pandemic began, i had been
transferred to a virtual school

5. before the pandemic i never played a video game in my live, but when the pandemic began i
started to play video games and now it's one of my favorite hobbies

6. before pandemic i had never been worried about my health and i never done exercise, but
during pandemic i started to do a lot of exercise, for make best my health and i started to play

7. Before the pandemic I almost every day ate ice cream, during the pandemic I didn't ever ate
an ice cream, and now i eat an ice cream once or twice for a week

8. Before the pandemic I had never been to Villa de Leyva, but since the pandemic began I
have been to Villa de Leyva many times and now it is one of my favorite cities to visit

 Now we are going to interview my mother asking her the same question

that you had never done before the pandemic and you started to do

1. before the pandemic i bought the vegetables in the super markets, but when the pandemic
began i started growing my own vegetables

2. Before the pandemic I spent more money, but when the pandemic began I started saving

3. Before the pandemic i almost never did exercise, but since the pandemic began, i have been
doing more exercise and caring about my health

4. before the pandemic my family and me used to eat in restaurants, all the weekends, but
since the pandemic began, we have been cooking our own food almost ever

5. before the pandemic started I spent the most of the day in the city, but since the pandemic
began I am almost all the day in the house

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