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1. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

2. A good beginning makes a good ending

3. .It takes two to dance / to make a quarrel.

4. .When in Rome do as the Romans do.

5. You can’t stop the river from rolling to the ocean.

6. To kill two birds with one stone.

7. The leopard will not change his spots

8. Don’t cross the bridge before you come to it.

9. Little strokes fell big oaks.

10. It’s an albatross around our neck.

11. An ace up one’s sleeve

12. To pay under the board

13. To pay over the board

14. Be at loggerheads with Tom.

15. Be at the end of one’s rope.

16. I hate back-seat drivers.

17. Be at loggerheads – I am at loggerheads with Tom

over the price of a car

18. At the drop of a hat – at any moment

19. You are barking up the wrong tree – You are

20. To beat about the bush - ходить вокруг да около

21. To find a good car we must beat the bushes well –

добряче пошукати
22. It’s a hit below the belt – удар нижче пояса

23. Between a rock and a hard place – поміж молотом і

24. Big wheel, big shot – бути крутим
25. You can”t do much – just bite the bullet – мусиш

26. To bite the dust/ kick the bucket – to die

27. He died a young man – it was I bitter pill to

28. Sam works in a mine – he is a blue-collar

worker/white collar worker

29. . I hate Sam – I’m close to the boiling point.

30. I know what to do – I wasn’t born yesterday.

31. Don’t beat about the bush – what’s the bottom line?

32. I’m at the loggerheads with Mary – I want to break

the ice.
33. To bury/dig up the hatchet

34. To butter up the official

35. By hook or by crook – we must get the info by …

36. Don’t violate the rules – we must do it by the book.

37. To call someone on the carpet

38. To catch someone red-handed

39. To change horses in midstream

40. He is a chip off the old block – he resembles his

father so much.
41. They had a narrow escape with the weather.

42. If he does this, he will shoot himself in the foot.

43. He will pay through the nose to get the contract.

44. There’s no use crying over spilled milk

45. I hate visiting John – it’s not my cup of tea.

46. Putin’s days are numbered.

48. If he disobeys, he will face the music

49. She asked the boss to help her – but it fell on deaf

50. It’s a fishy story – be careful.

51. Fish or cut bait – або роби (працюй,їж) або йди

52. At first he was eager to help me kill John. But then

he got cold feet.

53. Finally, I got my second wind - I started to run faster

and won the race.

54. To hit the jackpot – be lucky, successful


56. Hold your tongue – стримай язика (помовч)

57. I’m not in your shoes – that’s why I don’t understand

58. His company is in the black (in the red)- мати

прибуток (збиткувати)
59. To be in the same boat = in the same bad situation

60. To know the ins and outs of business =to know all

the details
61. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

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