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1401/09/29 : ‫تاريخ پذيرش‬ ‫ تاج آفرين اسمعيل نژاد‬: ‫نام بيمار‬

‫زن‬/‫ سال‬67 : ‫جنسيت‬/‫سن بيمار‬ 41094701 : ‫کد پذيرش‬
‫ نوشين عطائي‬:‫پزشک درخواست کننده‬

MRI Of Abdomenopelvic With Contrast

The paranchymal signal of liver and portobilliary systems appear normal.
High signal intensity well defined mass like lesion measuring 17x14mm
in right lobe of liver in T2 sequence without obvious enhancement is
seen probably associated with liver cyst.
Another small subcapsular 3mm cyst in segment 8 right liver lobe is
Pancreas , spleen and kidneys are normally visualized.
Some small less than 10mm cortical cysts bilaterally are seen.
Aorta and IVC are unremarkable.
No retroperitoneal mass is seen.
No gross abnormality is noted in the bowel loops and spinal column.
Large hiatal hernia is seen.
After contrast injection there is no evidence of pathologic enhancement in
the abdominal organs and peritoneal cavity .
Uterus is not seen in anatomic position.
RT ovary is not seen (Previous oophorectomy or atrophic changes)
Thin wall cystic structure measuring 57x49x50mm in left adnexa which
covered with ovarian tissue and some follicles is seen that shows rim thin
enhancement after contrast administration without evidence of solid
component or septation.
R/O inclusion ovarian cyst according to patient age should be considered
but close follow up is recommended.

Yours sincerely:

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