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Sitti Safinatul Askiyah


Middle exams



Some of you may be wondering if they really inherited this emotional and
behavional trait especially if they remember a time when she was sensitivity
seemed to begin or greatly increase. In most sensitivity is inherited. The evidence
for this is strong, According F.Reynolds, R.Moore, and S.Suomi mainly from
studies of identical twins who were raised apart but grew up behaving similarly,
which always suggest that behavior is at least partly genetically determined. On
the other hand, it is not always true that both separared twins show the trait, even
if they are identical. For example, each twin will also tend to develop a
personality quite like the mother raising that twin, even though she not the
biological mother. In fact is, there are probably no inherited traits that can not also
enhanced, decreased, or entirely produced or eliminated by enough of certain
kinds of experience. A person will do best in any task, whether engaging in
conversation, if his nervous system is sufficiently alert and aroused. Joseph
Newman start with "If we have 100% cognitive capacity an introvert may only
have 75% to work with on-task and 25% off-task whereas an extrovert may have
90% that can be allocated to the task (New York: Broadway Books, 2002)”. Too
little passion and one becomes dull, ineffective. At the other extreme, too much
stimulation of the nervous system and anyone will become depressed, clumsy, and
confused. We have many ways to improvement the situation struggling with
stress from work, a divorce, or family problems. Sometimes we take a break or
die mentally. The best arousal numbers fall somewhere in the middle. That there
is a require and a desire for optimal levels of arousal is one of psychology's most
powerful findings. Even infants they hate feel bored or overwhelmed.

Firstly the differences are mostly inherited and very real and normal, example the

differences in temperament were greatest when the infants were tired. Rebecca

would fall asleep easily and not wakes up while Rob would stay awake and cry. It

can be observed in all higher animals such as mice, cats, dogs, horses, monkeys

and humans. Within a species, the percentage that is highly sensitive to

stimulation is usually about 15-20 percent. Second, some within a species are

slightly larger in size than others, some are slightly more sensitive. Through

careful breeding of animals, crossing sensitive ones with each other can create

sensitive strains in just a few generations. The difference it seems like to lie

somewhere on the way to brain or in the brain, more careful processing of

information. E. Aron said ” brains of introverts additionally showed more activity

in the spiral that linked the photograps to other stored information.” ( The Highly

Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms

Them, New York, Broadway Books, 2002.) in another words, sensitive humans

processed the photographs at a more precise level than the other group, reflecting

longer on fences and haystacks. We reflect more on everything and we sort things

into delicate distinction. Like those machines that grade fruit by size sort into five

sizes while others sort into two or three. This greater awareness of the subtle tends

to make highly sensitive person more intuitive. It simply means picking up and

working through information in a semi-conscious or unconscious way. The result

is that you often just know without realizing how.

This deeper proccesing of subsequently details cause Highly Sensitive Person to

consider the past or future more. Furthermore, Highly Sensitive Person just know

how things got to be the way they are or how they are going to turn out. The

downside of the trait shows up at more intense levels of stimulation. Anything that

wakes up the nervous system gets it is attention, makes that fire off another round

of the little electrial charges that they carry. In contrast, We usually think of

stimulation as coming from outside. However, of course it can come from our

body such as pain, muscle, tension, hunger, thirst or sexual feelings or as

memories, fantasies or plans inside on the brain. For example memory engrams

are formed and stores at the level of neural networks due to a change in the

strength of synaptic connections between neurons. This hypothesis of synaptic

plasticity (HSP), formulated by Donald Hebb books in the 1940s, continues to

dominate the directions of experimental studies and the interpretations of

experimental results in the field. The universal acceptance of the HSP has

transformed it from a hypothesis into an incontrovertible theory. Donald hebb said

“ I show that the entire body of experimental and clinical data obtained in studies

of long-term memory in mammals and humans is inconsistent with the hypothesis

of synaptic plasticity”. Instead, these data suggest that long-term memory is

formed and stored at the intracellular level where it is reliably protected from

ongoing synaptic activity, including pathological epileptic activity. It seems that

the generally accepted hypothesis of synaptic plasticity became a serious obstacle

to understanding the mechanisms of memory and that progress in this field

requires rethinking this doctrine and shifting experimental efforts toward

exploring the intracellular mechanisms. Most people confuse sensivity. That is

why you heard you are too shy. People say a certain dog, cat, or horse was born

shy when it really has a sensitive nervous system unless it has been abused; then it

would be more accurate to say it is afraid. Ward K.Swallow said “ This confusion

of our trait with the state of mind called shyness is natural, given that 75 percent

of population at least in the United States of America, United States of America

are very socially out going” (Archieve of General Psychiatry 41 (1984):405-410.

When they see that you look overaroused, they do not realize that it could be due

to too much stimulation. That is not their experience. They think you must be of

afraid being rejected. You are shy. Sometimes you are afraid of rejection because

they style is not cultural ideal, after all but as an Highly Sensitive Person just do

not want the extra arousal” ( Cambridge, Mas., MIT Press,1991),27-55. When

others are treating me as if I am shy and afraid, it can be hard to realize that I have

simply chosen to be alone, at least at first option. I am the one rejecting. I am not

being rejected beside not understanding because they born needing more arousal

than me to be comfortable, non Highly Ssensitive Person also can project their

own fear of rejection into you that is attributing to you something they do not

want to admit in themselves .

A. Caspi, D. Bem, and G. Elder argued “ If you are spending less time in crowds

or meeting strangers, when you do have to be in such situation you are almost

bound to be less skilled. It is not your specialty, but again to assume you are shy

or afraid is inaccurate. When people set out to help you, they are usually starting

from the wrong premise. For example, they think you lack confidence and

reassure you that you are likeable. In effect, is telling you there something the

matter with them low self esteem. They give the wrong reason for being less

sociable and can not give you are the many reason you should feel fine yourself


In conclusion Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) individual properties where sensory

sensitivity body to internal and external stimulation external increases. This

causes HSP could be more thorough and considerate of the slightest change in the

environment. Personal opinion from me, This trait is genetically inherited also

influenced by the environment. This is trait known for its role as a

neurotransmitter in the brain namely the dopamine system in the Highly Sensitive

Person nervous system higher concentration than with non-Highly Sensitive

Person that keeps the brain away more active.


M.Raleigh and M.Mcguire, Social and Environmental Influence on Blood Serotoin

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S.Suomi, Primate Separation Models of Disorder,” in Neurobiology of Learning,

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S.Suomi, “ Uptight and Laid-back Monkey:Individual Difference in the Response to

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H. Gough and A. Thorne, Positive others in shyness, positive, Negative and Balanced

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L. Silverman, Parenting Young Gifted Children, Journal of Children in

Contemporary society, 18 (1986).

A. Caspi, D. Bem, and G. Elder, Continuities and Consequences of of Interactional

Styles Across the Life course, Journal of Personality 57 (1989), 390-392.

C. Lord and P. Zimbardo, Actor-Observer Difference in the Perceived Stability of

Shyness, Social Cognition 3 (1985), 250-265.

R. Kincel, Creativity in Projection and the Experience Type, British Journal of

projective Psyhcology and Personality Study 28 (1983):36.

Ward K. Swallow, The Shy Child:Helping Children Triumph Over Shyness, New York

Warner, 2000.

Elaine Aron, The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the

World Overwhelms Them, New York, Broadway Books, 2002.

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