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Myla M. Galleros. Prof.

2EED-A 02/15/2023

1. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur that were observed in the video?
- Persistence, Creativity, Innovation and Adaptability

2. What are the risks he took to become a successful entrepreneur?

- he bought a dvd to sell at a higher price but he was disappointed because it was broken,
he sold chestnuts even though his parents didn't like it and later he stopped it because he
thought of a new business and it was selling seaweed. But the first time he tried making
seaweed it was salty so he made it again.

3. What do you think motivates him to become an entrepreneur?

- I think that motivates him to become an entrepreneur is himself because he does not give
up on life until he gets the true taste of seaweed. Even though he had many problems with his
parents, he continued to face them and continued with his dream.

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