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1. Defination of social media (SM)

 Interactions among people in virtual communities & networks
 Can share opinions
 Can exchange information
 Can create communities
 History: first created in 1997 after 6 years of creation of

2. Goods & bads of SM

 Tool of communication/connection (G)
 Stay up date/spread news (G)
 Find your voices/your category all around the world (G)
 Gain education/professional knowledge (G)
 Get inspiration/see the world/get out of the box (G)
 Make new friends all around the world (G)
 Face 2 face interaction decrease (B)
 Unstable relationship (B)
 Rumor spreading (B)
 False/fake news (B)
 Committed to cyberbully (B)
 Help propagate false values (B) - metastatic, unrealistic
 Detrimental to health (B)

3. Factors of addiction
 Unfocus
 Attraction of endless updating info/trends
 Low self-esteem/not discipline
 Influence of friends
 Exceeding dopamine released when scrolling social media
 Stress
4. Symptoms of addiction
 Feel emptiness & restless while not scrolling SM
 Keep exhilarated towards SM
 Spending a large amount of time on SM until neglect other thing
 Always needs/thinking about SM
 Isolation
 Can’t control to scroll SM
 Feel anxious without SM
 Always want to follow the trends on SM without any critical thinking
 Keep checking the likes & comments of post

5. Effect of addiction
 Presence false idea of friendship
 Less/lack communication face 2 face with others
 Can’t be rational/tend to follow nonsensical trends
 Facing health problems - irregular sleep, eye fatigue, physical
 Neglect study
 Have a dark future
 Mental health affected : overthinking, lost confidence, depressed
feel anxious(fear of missing out), loneliness
Insecure, self harm, keep competing &
comparing with others, sucidal harm

6. Ways to overcome addiction

 Share problems with people face 2 face
 Turn off notifications
 Digital detox/find a therapy/get advice from professors
 Limit SM screen time
 Get a new hobby
 Don’t have phone by whilst when sleep
 Pay more attention to reality/real world
 Establish contingency plan - only scroll SM after accomplished

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