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Performance Task: Ethics and Applied Economics

Goal: To assess students' understanding of the socioeconomic impacts and ethical considerations of a
business, and their ability to communicate this knowledge through a diorama and ethical creed.

Role: Students will act as owners or managers of a business of their choice and demonstrate their
understanding of the impacts and ethics of their chosen business.

Audience: The audience will be their classmates and the teacher, who will assess their work based on the
rubric provided.

Situation: Students will create a diorama of a building that represents their chosen business and will
present their socioeconomic impacts and ethical creed for that business.

Product/performance: Students will create a diorama and ethical creed that will demonstrate their
understanding of the socioeconomic impacts and ethical considerations of their chosen business.


• Diorama size (10%):

• The diorama is appropriately sized (around 18 inches in length, 12 inches
in width, and 10 inches in height) to represent the chosen business and its
socioeconomic impacts.
• Accuracy of socioeconomic impacts (30%):
• The student accurately and thoroughly explains the socioeconomic
impacts of the chosen business, such as job creation, revenue generation,
and community contributions.
• Ethical creed (30%):
• The student creates an ethical creed that accurately and thoroughly
addresses the ethical considerations of the chosen business.
• Creativity (20%):
• The student demonstrates creativity in the presentation of their diorama
and ethical creed.
• Overall presentation (10%):
• The diorama is well-constructed and visually appealing, and the ethical
creed is well-written and organized.

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