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Learning Outcomes: 1 At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: * identify the attributes of a global city; * analyze how cities serve as engines of globalization; and, * analyze the present global population. fhe world population ETE 0 10, there were only le in the world. The presi edian age of the population is 299MRentility rateis2.51. The number of people per kilometer idly Population in the world is currently (2018) growing at a rate around 1.09% per year (down from 1.12% in 2017 and 1.14% in 2016). The current average population increase is estimated at 83 million people per year. i i it was at around 2%. The rate of increase has near! since then, and will continue to decline in the coming years. It is estimated to reach 1% by 2023, less than 0.5% by 2052, and 0.25% in 2076 (a yearly addition of 27 million people to a population of 10.7 billion). In 2100, it should be only 0.09%, or an addition of only 10 million people to a total population of 11.2 billion, The latest world population projections indicate that world population will reach 10 billion persons in the year 2055 and 11 billion in the year 2088. The Philippines, with a very small land area compared to other countries isnumber 13 among the top 20 countries with largest population (live). below is the top 20 countries with the largest population (live), World population will therefore continue to grow in the 21st century, but ata much slower rate compared to the recent past. World population has doubled (100% increase) in 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion). It is now estimated that it will take another nearly 40 years to increase by another 50% to become 9 billion by 2037. Global Mobility (Global migration i the flow or movement of people from one place to another ar world. The main purpose of migration is to find work or employment. Trends in Global Mobility The IOM’s Global Migration Trends Factsheet presents a snapshot of the major migration trends worldwide for the year 2015 based on statistics from a variety of sources. Considering the state of migration globally in 2015, the following facts stand out: In 2015, the number of international migrants worldwide — people residing in a country other than their country of birth - was the highest ever recorded, having reached 244 million (from 232 million in 2013). As a share of the world population, however, international migration has remained fairly constant over the past decades, at around 3%, While female migrants constitute only 48% of the international migrant stock worldwide, and 42% in Asia, women make up the majority of international migrants in Europe (52.4%) and North America (51.2%). sovarsemtmnionstiondiemntmmeeads aE i tinued to grow compared to South-North movements (from developing to developed countries); in 2015, 90.2 million international migrants born in developing countries resided in other countries in the Global South, while 85.3 million born in the South resided in countries in the Global North, estination for internation, Germany became the second most Ee the United States ang migrants globally (in absolute numbers), follo ‘ctimated 12 million foreigs preceding the Russian Feleration, with an estimated 1 cht fox a pom residing in the country in 2015 (against 46.6 milOOH Ov country’, 11.9 million in the Russian Federation). As a pr aaigrants continue to be Population, however, numbers of intemation: the foreign-born population highest in Gulf Cooperation Council countries: ited Arab Emirates, 75.75 makes up 88.4% of the total population in the Uni in Qatar and 73.6% in Kuwait, Close to 1 in 5 migrants in the world live in the top cae a according to IOM’s World Migration Report 2015. od base ee eed make up over a third of the total population in cities like Sy ney, ae land, Singapore and London, and at least one in four residents in msterdam, Frankfurt and Paris is foreign-born. The year 2015 saw the highest levels of forced displacement globally recorded since World War IL, with a dramatic increase in the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people across various Tegions of the world — from Africa to the Middle East and South Asia. The world hosted 15.1 million refugees by mid-2015. This is a 45% increase scupPared to three and a half years ago, largely due to continued conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic, now well into its 5th year. Some 8.6 million Persons were newly displaced in 2015 alone. In 2015, Germany also became the largest single recipient of first- Hme individual asylum claims globally, with almost 442,000 applications lodged in the country by the end of th Almost 1 in 3 first-time asylum applicants « nt i 9% increase compared to 2014 levels algo oe is unaccompanied by national authorities — the highest is prc doaped = a4 4 three-fold increase on numbers registered in See MAMET since 2008 and AO Still, the vast majority of refugees continue to be hosted by developing countries, ce ly those that are proximate to the refugees’ countries of origin: for instance, the bulk of the Syrian refugee population is hosted ty Turkey (2.2 million), Lebanon (1.2 million) and Jordan (almost 630,000), according to figures recorded in December 2015. Also, most forced displacement globally still occurs within countries’ borders, with an estimated 38 million people internally displaced by conflict andv iolence at the end of 2014 - from Iraq to South Sudan, from Syria to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. The year 2015 was also the a deadliest year for migrants: increased levels of forced displacement global ly were tragically accompanied by record- high numbers of people perishing or going missing while trying to cross international borders. Over 5,400 migrants worldwide are estimated to have died or gone missing in 2015. According to IOM’s Missing Migrant project, migrant fatalities during migration to Europe increased by 15% compared to the previous year, reaching at least 3,770. From 2014 to 2015, a major and sudden shift in routes of irregular migration by sea to Europe occurred — with about 853,000 arriving to Greece compared to almost 154,000 to Italy, as opposed to about 34,400 and 170,100 respectively in 2014. In 2015, the number of voluntary returns of migrants (e.g. failed asylum- seekers, and other groups) from EU countries was for the first time higher than the number of forced returns (81,681 against 72,473). Moreover, the number of IOM-assisted voluntary returns from EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland in 2015 reached a figure of almost 56,000. New estimates for the number of migrant workers globally show that the large majority of international migrants in the world are migrant workers, Migrants have higher labor force participation than non-migrants, Particularly due to higher labor force participation rates for migrant women relative to non-migrant women. Remittances continue to climb globally while remittance-sending costs Temain relatively high. The sum of financial remittances sent by international Migrants back to their families in origin countries amounted to an estimated $581 bition inn 2015 - over three-quarters of which were sent to low and Middle-income economies. In Tajikistan remittances constituted over 40% of the country’s GDP. However, average remittance transfer costs were still 37.5% of the amount sent in the third quarter of 2015, higher thar the 3% Goals to be met by 2030, velopment "Saharan Africa ~ now minimum target set in the Sustainable Der Sul a igh in Remittance transfer costs are particularly high # standing at 9.5% on average. ally is more favorable Finally, public opinion towards migration 810pa Europe, according than commonly perceived - with the notable except to an IOM-Gallup report. (Source: Global Migration Trends Factsheet, 2015) Factors Influencing Migration and Population Movements F in forces * Socio-political, economic and ecological factors are the mar driving migration. * Rising communal violence world-wide, result religious intolerance, has led to increased levels of migration. often as a result of ethnic or «Economic disparity between developing and developed economies encourages the movement of skilled labor from the former to the latter. ‘Temporary migration visas allow for an increase in the rate of circular migration. * Changes in the ecological environment have the potential to worsen food and water insecurity in various parts of the globe. Limited access to food and water resources may push people to migrate to countries where these resources are more readily available. Fertility, mortality, and migration all influence the size of a society's population. Poorer countries tend to grow almost completely from internal causes (for example, high birth rates due to the absence of reliable contraception), while richer countries tend to grow from both internal causes and migration. Demographers determine a population's natural growth rate by subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate. The world’s low-growth nations tend to be more industrialized, such as the United States and Europe. The high-growth countries tend to be less industrialized, as Africa and Latin America. meds ieuch The Global Mobility Companies need a global workforce and i than ever. They are sending an increasing apoE now more a wider variety of roles, for many reasons: to prepare foe ches sbFoad, in © opportunities in global production; to promote research a Tespond to and innovation; and to improve customer sales, serving ecco , owth, At the same time, global market uncertajnty is putting companies under tremendous cost pressure. That makes it imperative for leaders to carefully manage their global mobility investments — and to realize an appropriate return on them. Global Mobility: A Win-Win For You and Your Employer Global mobility is on the rise, and many employees want a passport filled with foreign-nation stamps to bolster personal growth and career development. Increasingly, they are seeking expatriate, commuter, rotational or other alternative assignments to build their resumes. International assignments are a great career development tool and, at the same time, help organizations address talent shortages, close skill gaps and accelerate. No company wants to send talent around the globe without purpose. But for those organizations that do have multinational operations, increasing, the availability of international assignments can help draw talent to the organization and secure the talent already in place — all while providing individuals with new skills, opportunities for international travel, new challenges and the experience needed to progress their careers. business growth - making it a win for both parties. The trend is riding a global wave. BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries, the UAE and Qatar, are emerging as talent hot spots, driven by shifting economic growth. By 2025, the Gross Domestic Product of Shanghai and Beijing will be larger than Los Angeles and London, yet global companies operating in China already find it difficult to find and retain talent. A global city, also called world city or sometimes alpha city or world center, is a city generally considered to be an important node in the global economic system. The concept comes from geography and urban studies,and the idea that globalization can be understood as largely created, facilitated, and enacted in strategic geographic locales according to a hierarchy of importance to the operation of the global system of finance and trade. The most complex of these entities is the “global city”, whereby the linkages binding a city have a direct and tangible effect on global affairs through socio-economic means. The use of “global city”, as opposed to “megacity”, was popularized by sociologist Saskia Sassen in her 1991 work, The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo; although the term “world city”, which refers to cities involved with large amounts of global business, dates to at least the May 1886 description of Liverpool, by The Illustrated London News, Patrick Geddes also used the term “world city” later in 1915. More synonymous with a city’s od as being i i pee ecoming less relevant factors b recently, the term has been desc influence and “financial capital”, with other Characteristics «still subject to debate, standa Although what constitutes a world city is still subject to debate, standard characteristics of world cities are: * A variety of international financial services, notably in finance, Insurance, real estate, banking, accountancy, and marketing, * Headquarters of several multinational corporations * The existence of financial headquarters, a stock exchange, and major financial institutions * Domination of the trade and economy of a large surrounding area * Major manufacturing centres with port and container facilities * Considerable decision-making power on a daily basis and at a global level * Centers of new ideas and innovation in business, economics, culture, and politics * Centers of media and communications for global networks * Dominance of the national region with great international significance * High percentage of residents employed in the services sector and information sector * High-quality educational institutions, including renowned universities, international student attendance, and research facilities Multi-functional infrastructure offering some of the best legal, medical, and entertainment facilities in the country , « Typically, highly diverse in terms of language, culture, religion, and ideologies. : According to Greig Charnock, a global city is an urban center that enjoys significant advantages and that serves as a hub within a globalized economic system. The terms have its origins in research on cites carried out during the 1980s, which examined the common characteristics af the world’s most important cities, However, with increased attention being paid to Pee of globalization during subsequent years, these world cities came ie De known as global cities. Linked with globalization was the idea of spatial reorganization and the hypothesis that cities were becoming key loci within global networks of production, finance, and telecommunications. In some formulations of the global city thesis, then, such cities are seen as the building blocks of globalization, Simultaneously, these cities were becoming newly privileged Sites of local Politics within the context of a broader project to reconfigure state institutions, Global Demography According to David E Bloom and David Canning, In the past 50 years, the world accelerated its transition out of long-term demographic stability. As infant and child mortality rates fell, populations began to soar. In most countries, this growth led to falling fertility rates. Although fertilityhas fallen, the population continues to increase because of population momentum; it will eventually level off. In the meantime, demographic change has created a ‘bulge’ generation, which today appears in many countries as a large working-age population. This cohort will eventually become a large elderly population, in both developed and developing countries. Population growth has been the subject of great debate among economists and demographers. Until recently, most have agreed on a middle ground, in which population growth per se has no effect on economic growth. New evidence suggests that changes in the age structure of populations - in particular, a rising ratio of working-age to non-working-age individuals — leads to the possibility of more rapid economic growth, via both accounting and behavioral effects. The experiences of east Asia, Ireland and sub-Saharan Africa all serve as evidence of the effect of demographic change on economic growth (or lack thereof). Both internal migration (from rural to urban areas) and international migration complicate this picture. The overall implications of population growth for policy lie in the imperative for investments in health and education, and for sound policies related to labour, trade and retirement. Understanding future trends is essential for the development of good policy. Demographic projections can be quite reliable, but huge uncertainties in the realms of health, changes in human life span, scientific advances, migration, global warming and wars — make overall predictions extremely uncertain. Transnationalism and Migration The meaning of transnationalism varies but generally center on exchanges, connections and practices across borders, thus transcending :the national, 5 ice and identities. With respect t for activities an Sep tbelig nates space as the primary reference poin anand veral places at OM to migration, being connected to se’ experience of bein; here ia there” — as long, been a defining feat oS ee “that eeinanees a migrant. Leading transnational, multi-sited lives ™ { part of migrants’ and interactions across borders are a regular and ape ee mak Siting Sd s and activities. These exchanges may take the form 0! a ais as well as political mobilization and economuc contri sui Transnationalism creates a greater degree of connection betwee individuals, communities and societies across borders, bringing al eat changes in the social, cultural, economic and political landscapes o} societies of origin and destination. The challenge for policymakers is to look beyond national borders in analyzing the scope, purpose and impact of their policies, Cross-border connections between societies resulting from migration necessitate the formulation and implementation of appropriate policy interventions by States. The reason for this, firstly, is that migration policies in a transnational context are likely to produce an impact outside the domestic sphere for which they are primarily intended. Secondly, the success or failure of those same policies will also be determined, to varying extents, by realities that lie beyond a single country’s borders. Overseas Filipinos and the death penalty: Cases that made headlines This is not the first time the country has mourned the execution of a fellow Filipino abroad. : On January 25, 2017, the country was shocked to hear that overseas Filipino worker (OFW) Jakatia Pawa, who claimed innocence in the murder of her Kuwaiti employer’s 22-year-old daughter, was set to be executed within the day. The family was also informed by Jakartia herself on the day of the execution. Last-minute protests, prayers, and appeals were made for the Filipina to be saved but to no avail. Come 3:19pm, Philippine time, she was announced dead. This is not the first time the country mourned over the execution of a fellow Filipino abroad or feared for the fate of someone on death row. So far 35% of 132 cases of abused OFW kids record i i d Tuesday, November 28, 2017 by Julieta C. Rivera. THE Mindanao Migrants Center for Empowering Actions, Ine, (MMCEA\ in Davao City said that it has recorded a total of 132 cases of children of Overseas Filipino Worke i cS abused and molested. orkers (OFWs) being MMCEAI executive director Inori ector Inorisa Sialana-Elento, during the Kapehan arr amen November 27, 2017 at The Annex of SM City Davao, pe a en 4 to 2017, their data show that there are various cases of abuses against the children left behind by their parents. Although she didn’t exactly have the figures on the kind of cases, she said that this also includes abandonment of OFW, abandonment by foreign nationals and abandonment by parents and guardians. “Mataas din dito ang sexual abuse, teenage parents or pregnancy and school dropouts,” she said. Internet addiction is also one of the concerns among the youth due to lack of guidance from their OFW parents. (Source: Website) Anak OFW Workshop Conference In 2017, the Congressional District Anak OFW Workshop Consultation was held and attended by some children of active OFWs wherein 20 of which experiencing sexual abuse. “We made a silent shout box and there are cases of sexual abuse,” Sialana-Elento said, adding that there were also physical abuse, verbal abuse by guardian, and economic abuse, abortion, illegal drugs and bullying. Thus, they are seeking the government's assistance to help these children through monitoring and providing their needs in the absence of their parents. Also, they urged the local government units to create opportunities and provide employment for the parents of these children so they would no longer need to go abroad. They are also pushing for the establishment of a Migrant Desk in Barangays t Jook after the situation and issues that OFWs and their families are facing.

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