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Study Skills – Reflection

Instructions: This reflection contains sentence starters. What we hope to hear from you are
brief stories and your overall views concerning the effectiveness of the course. We do not need
tremendously long responses but would appreciate frank and honest answers.

This week I have learned about English skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Something I found very challenging to understand this week was that I had to study entirely in
I found this challenging because I have not studied English in a long time so my knowledge is
very little.
Something I learned this week that I did not know previously was how to learn English writing
Something I found particularly useful from this week/course was that I learned special
considerations for words that weren't used when writing.
It was useful because I've been writing unconsciously before that as well as making a lot of
mistakes like that.
Something I found to be not particularly useful was group discussion.
It was not so useful because we barely discussed anything together because of the strangeness
and the rush of time.
Something I wish was covered more in-depth this course was to practice listening and writing
This is because I am so weak in those skills, I was even afraid and didn't want to learn them.
I also would like to learn more new methods of self-studying English to confidently
communicate with others.

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